Ratings for the Flood and Landslide Emergency Recovery Project for Myanmar were as follows: outcome was unsatisfactory, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and...
Mitigating the impacts of landslides requires quantifying the susceptibility of different infrastructures to this hazard through landslide susceptibility mapping. The mapping requires overlaying the spatial...
Landslides are geomorphological processes that entail modifications across versants, damages across the built areas, as well as negative effects upon the transportation infrastructure and the municipal...
Alunecările de teren sunt procese geomorfologice care implică modificări între versante, daune în zonele construite, precum și efecte negative asupra infrastructurii de transport și a infrastructurii municipale...
The Third South Asia Regional South-to-South Learning Workshop (SSLW) was organized by the Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Climate Change Unit of the South Asia Region of the World Bank and held from...
Sri Lanka has experienced a variety of natural and human induced disasters that have had a devastating impact on human well-being as well as economic welfare of the country. Landslides are becoming increasingly...
Given the devastating history of flooding and landslides, most notably in 2013, this report aimed to assess the current potential threat that biophysical hazards poses to Uttarakhand from four angles:...
The Sustainable Landscape Management under Sawap Project of Mauritania aims to support communities through targeted interventions and investments which mainstream biodiversity into sustainable management...
The development objective of the Second Phase of the Multipurpose Disaster Shelter Project for Bangladesh is to reduce the vulnerability of the coastal population across nine coastal districts of Bangladesh...
This book has two main aims: to demonstrate to international development agencies, governments, policy makers, project managers, practitioners, and community residents that landslide hazard can often be...
This brief focuses on the World Bank’s Hazard Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project, which came to a close at the end of June 2012, assisted the Government of Romania in reducing the environmental...
This brief focuses on the World Bank’s Hazard Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project, which came to a close at the end of June 2012, assisted the Government of Romania in reducing the environmental...
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)/International Development Association (IDA) trust funds country report FY2009-FY2011 Q1 for Jamaica includes: disbursements, approvals...
The objective of the community-based landslide risk reduction grant is to reduce the risk to natural disasters in vulnerable communities in Jamaica and to provide an evidence-based toolkit for vulnerability...