Enquanto 28% dos homens graduados no Brasil obtêm diplomas nas áreas de Ciência, Tecnologia, Engenharia e Matemática (STEM, na sigla em inglês), esse percentual é de apenas 9% entre as mulheres. As mulheres...
While 35% of male tertiary graduates in Colombia earn degrees in STEM programs, the share among women is only 15%. For every young man out of employment, education, or training there are around 2 young...
While 32% of male tertiary graduates in Belize earn degrees in STEM programs, the share among women is only 13.5%. Adolescent fertility rate is more than twice the average rate of countries in the same...
The development objective of Supporting Public Procurement Efficiency and Value for Money in Moldova Project is to support the government's efforts to enhance competition, transparency, efficiency, and...
Higher-income countries are aging at unprecedented rates, creating skills shortages in critical sectors ranging from healthcare to construction to information technology. At the same time, many lower-income...
Research on the labor market implications of artificial intelligence has focused principally on high-income countries. This paper analyzes this issue using microdata from a large set of low- and middle-income...
Este CEM está organizado de la siguiente manera. El primer capítulo presenta una vista general del crecimiento de Colombia en los últimos 20 años y presenta temas transversales que caracterizan el proceso...
Proučavanje izazova, briga i očekivanja koja prate deinstitucionalizaciju domovima za djecu bez odgovarajuće roditeljske skrbi, djecu s problemima u ponašanju, djecu s teškoće u razvoju, te osobe s mentalnim...
Ghana’s development path, although registering past successes, faces a series of current and future challenges. Ghana succeeded in halving its poverty rate between 1991 and 2016, from 87 percent (US$3.65...
Economic growth is often associated with welfare gains through job creation. However, the number and quality of new job opportunities created in a growing economy vary across countries and sectors, due...
This approach paper provides guidance to World Bank Education Task Team Leaders (TTLs), World Bank staff across sectors, and other stakeholders on how to ensure education sector operations become more...
O'zbekiston hukumati umumiy iqtisodiy rivojlanish va bozorga yo'naltirish doirasida yashil va iqlimga chidamli iqtisodiy o'tishni o'tkazishni maqsad qilib qo'ygan. Investitsiya ehtiyojlarini hisobga olgan...
Stigma powerfully and adversely affects individuals, families, communities, and society, and exists across all countries and cultures. A recent global survey of people with mental health conditions across...
The Bangladesh Development Update provides an assessment of the state of the economy in Bangladesh, poverty trends, the economic outlook, risks, and key reform challenges. It covers real sector developments;...
The paper reviews the dynamics of human capital – mostly skills –accumulation and utilization during successful and static episodes of structural transformation in a sample of more than 90 countries over...
Face au changement climatique, il est plus urgent que jamais que Madagascar se développe de façon optimale. Le présent Rapport national sur le climat et le développement (CCDR) constate que l’aspiration...