Transitioning toward sustainable development practices is expected to result in broad changes to economic activity, which will subsequently impact labor markets and change the demand for skills. India...
Vulnerability to climate change and water scarcity is increasing globally. How this affects individual employment outcomes is still not well understood. Using survey data collected from approximately half...
A growing body of literature investigates the labor market implications of scaling up “green” policies. Since most of this literature is focused on developed economies, little is known about the labor...
To adequately prepare the labor force for the green economy, policy makers and workers require a detailed understanding of the nature of green jobs. This study profiles green jobs in the South African...
يســتعرض هــذا التقريــر حــول التغيــرات المناخيــة والتنميــة )CCDR )نموذجــا اقتصاديــا مســتجدا خاصــا بتونــس قصــد مســاعدتها فــي مجابهـة وضعهـا االقتصـادي واالجتماعـي الهـش اضافـة الـى تمتيـن مناعتهـا...
Le présent rapport sur le changement climatique et le développement (CCDR) plaide en faveur d’un nouveau modèle économique pour faire face au contexte économique et social difficile et à la vulnérabilité...
This paper investigates the effects of severe drought shocks in Morocco’s agriculture sector. Using a staggered difference-in-differences design, the estimates show that climatic shocks produced job displacement...
The objective of the Youth Economic Inclusion Project for Tunisia is to improve economic opportunities for targeted disadvantaged youth in the selected Governorates of the Borrower. There are three components...