Ratings for the Integrated Cities and Urban Development Project for West Bank and Gaza were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was...
The development objective of the Second Integrated Urban Services Emergency Project for Yemen (YIUSEP II) is to restore access to critical urban services and strengthen resilience to shocks in selected...
El almacenamiento de agua es una parte fundamental de la seguridad hídrica y de la respuesta de la sociedad a la variabilidad hidrológica. El almacenamiento de agua aumenta la cantidad de agua disponible...
Storing water is a critical part of water security, and the societal response to hydrological variability. Water storage increases the amount of water available for human, environmental, and economic use...
The development objective of the Sindh Water and Agriculture Transformation (SWAT) Project for Pakistan is to increase agricultural water productivity in selected farmers’ organization command areas, improve...
This note describes the outcomes of a June 2018 knowledge exchange visit to study urban water management and urban renewal experiences in Brazil. Participants included 23 country representatives and 9...
The Balochistan Integrated Water Resources Management and Development Project aims to improve water resources planning, management, and monitoring by the government, and to increase the adoption of water-efficient...