In 2022, Brazil celebrated its 200th anniversary. What will Brazil celebrate at its 220th anniversary, in 2042? Following the recent elections there is a window of opportunity for reforms that will shape...
In FY23, IFC made major strides toward developing tools, partnerships, processes, and practices to advance the three Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) strategic priorities: gender equality, data-driven...
The report suggests ways to improve the performance of World Bank-financed projects in Laos, especially those focused on rural landscapes and natural resource management. First, it recommends broadening...
Sub-Saharan Africa is the world's fastest urbanizing region. This presents economic opportunities for the poor and vulnerable but also poses significant barriers to their economic inclusion. With an increasing...
The development objective of Medium Cities Development Project for Vietnam is to increase accessibility to services in better urban infrastructure, in order to improve people's living conditions, especially...
Argentina es un país de ciudades con una gran diversidad geográfica, donde un noventa por ciento de la población vive en zonas urbanas. Las ciudades son clave para el crecimiento económico; concentran...
Seventy percent of Roma live in European Union (EU) member states in Central and Eastern Europe -representing Europe’s largest and poorest minority group. Roma are also one of the fastest growing population...