This paper estimates the policy and economic impacts of a European Union–led effort to review and “blacklist” jurisdictions based on their compliance with international standards designed to curb corporate...
Tax evasion and avoidance generate distortions in tax systems and cause significant revenue losses for African economies. International cooperation is one of the most effective methods of combating tax...
The objective of this Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment Tool is to support World Bank Group (WBG) client countries in the assessment and understanding of their terrorist financing (TF) risks per Financial...
The National Money Laundering/Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment (NRA) Toolkit has been developed by World Bank Group (WBG) staff members to support WBG client countries and jurisdictions in self-assessing...
Recent work draws attention to the fragility of domestic tax revenues—a vital resource for the developing world—to illicit financial flows. To cope with two major challenges in the illicit financial flows–tax...
This is a statement by H.E. Achim Steiner, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, at the 102nd meeting of the Development Committee held on October 16, 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic continues...
There is a growing consensus that the presence of illegal and harmful cross-border financial flows is one of the factors impeding economic and human development. In recent years, a new conceptual framework...
Economic conditions in IDA countries present significant obstacles to realizing the ambitions of the World Bank Group (WBG)’s twin goals and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’ ‘Agenda 2030.’ Extreme...
This is a statement by H.E. Alamine Ousmane Mey, Minister of Economy, Planning and Regional Development, Cameroon, at the 99th meeting of the Development Committee held on April 13, 2019. He welcomed the...
This is a statement by Mr. H.E. Gudlauger Thor Thordarson, Minister for Foreign Affairs at the ninety-ninth meeting of the Development Committee held on April 13, 2019. He states the importance of multilateralism...
For many countries, natural resources are important national assets. In rich and poor countries alike, these sectors have the transformational potential to support economic development and political stability...
The Latin America and the Caribbean region (LCR) suffers from a large financing gap, increasing debt and contingent liabilities, and heightened fiscal risks, leading to the need for new sources of development...
This Executive Directors' strategic engagements work program covers FY19 Q2, and updated reports and other documents to be circulated for information for FY19 Q2.
Governance and Institutions was highlighted as a Special Theme for the first time in IDA18 – recognizing its centrality to the persistent development challenges faced by the International Development Association...
This is a statement by H.E. Philip Isdor Mpango, Minister of Finance and Planning of Tanzania on behalf of the Africa Group 1 Constituency, at the ninety-eighth meeting of the Development Committee on...
This Executive Directors' strategic engagements work program covers FY19 Q2, and updated reports and other documents to be circulated for information for FY19 Q2.
This Executive Directors' strategic engagements work program covers FY19 Q1 and Q2, and updated reports and other documents to be circulated for information for FY19 Q1.
This Executive Directors' strategic engagements work program covers FY19 Q1 and Q2, and updated reports and other documents to be circulated for information for FY19 Q1.