This document collection focuses on the critical role of data in enhancing disaster resilience. It explores various aspects of data collection, management, and analysis, including the development of training...
International Finance Corporation (IFC) offers a variety of loan products to support house financing needs in emerging markets. Such loan products can be broadly categorized as unsecured loan, secured...
Housing is a basic human need, but rapid urbanization, sub-standard construction, and lack of finance contribute to the global crisis in housing, creating one of the biggest challenges in emerging markets...
The WBG's mission is to work across the housing value chain to enable and deepen the market. For more than 30 years, IFC has supported the expansion of residential mortgage lending and affordable housing...
IFC’s social bonds offer investors an opportunity to support projects that promote social, economic, and gender equality in emerging markets. Social bonds are an integral part of our borrowing strategy...
The development objective of Ecuador Inclusive and Resilient Housing and Urban Development Project is to (i) improve access to affordable and resilient housing to low-income segments of the population...
Ratings for the National Affordable Housing Program for Indonesia were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was moderately satisfactory and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was modest. Some...
Územné plánovanie je jedným z najdôležitejších politických nástrojov pre mestský a regionálny rozvoj, ktorého cieľom je uspokojiť potreby obyvateľstva s prihliadnutím na rôzne faktory, ako je udržateľnosť...
Land use planning is one of the most important policy instruments for urban and regional development aiming to meet the needs of the populations while considering various factors such as environmental...
The Project’s Development Objective (PDO) is support affected households to regain adequate housing through resilient repair of damaged housing stock and to support national government in priority climate-resilient...
The development objective of Housing Repair for People's Empowerment Project for Ukraine is to increase households’ access to repaired housing units damaged by Russia's invasion. This project has three...
The inability to afford a decent shelter has a detrimental effect on people’s lives, their well-being and productivity, and the broader economy. Given the pervasiveness of the problem on a global scale...
Despite the relevance of house prices for a variety of stakeholders as well as for macroeconomic and monetary policy making, reliable, publicly available house price data are largely absent in emerging...
The development objective of the Second Habitat and Urban Land Project for Argentina is to: (i) promote formal and planned urban growth in selected cities; (ii) improve living conditions for households...
This paper investigates the impact of large-scale Syrian refugee inflows on the Turkish housing market. Employing a micro-level data set of the population of mortgaged houses in Türkiye between 2010 and...