Ratings for the Strengthening Critical Infrastructure against Natural Hazards Project for Tajikistan were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and...
This roadmap describes the current situation of hydromet service provision in Bhutan and presents a short- and medium-term modernization approach. It provides an overview of the National Centre for Hydrology...
Uttarakhand is a Himalayan Mountain state located in the Northern part of India, which is regularly devastated by flash floods, landslides, earthquakes, forest fires, glacier lake outbursts, and cloudburst...
The loss of human life, livelihoods, and assets as a result of disasters is on the rise. In 2021, more than 2.8 million people in Africa were affected by floods. In April 2022, devastating floods in KwaZulu-Natal...
The loss of human life, livelihoods, and assets as a result of disasters is on the rise. In 2021, more than 2.8 million people in Africa were affected by floods. In April 2022, devastating floods in KwaZulu-Natal...
The objective of this Program was to enhance the long term resilience and adaptation capacity of OCTs to extreme and recurrent natural hazards to the benefit of the most vulnerable. Specifically, this...
The National Centre for Hydrology and Meteorology (NCHM) plans to develop a new campus on a “green field” site to act as the headquarters and principal operations centre with technical and financial assistance...
An estimation of the potential economic losses to property caused by adverse natural hazards is a country disaster risk profile. This brief focuses on hurricanes and earthquakes risk profile of Sint Maarten.
An estimation of the potential economic losses to property caused by adverse natural hazards is a country disaster risk profile. This brief focuses on hurricanes and earthquakes risk profile of Aruba.
An estimation of the potential economic losses to property caused by adverse natural hazards is a country disaster risk profile. This brief focuses on hurricanes and earthquakes risk profile of Bonaire.
Sierra Leone is highly vulnerable to natural hazards whose impacts are exacerbated by unplanned rapid urbanization. The main victims of climate change risks and impacts in urban Sierra Leone are the urban...
The development objectives of the Enhancing Resilience in Kyrgyzstan (ERIK) Project for Kyrgyz Republic are to strengthen Recipient’s capacity to respond to disasters, provide safer and improved learning...
Among the most frequent and most damaging of natural hazards, floods threaten the lives and livelihoods of millions of urban dwellers each year. As a changing climate increases the frequency and intensity...
The development objective of the Second Costa Rica Disaster Risk Management Development Policy Loan with a Catastrophe Deferred Drawdown Option (Cat DDO) for Costa Rica is to enhance the Government of...
Established in 2006, the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) is a global partnership that helps low- and middle-income countries better understand and reduce their vulnerability...
Honduras sigue siendo uno de los países más pobres y desiguales del hemisferio occidental. La exposición estructural a los choques externos y a los peligros naturales va de la mano con altos niveles de...
Honduras remains one of the poorest and most unequal countries in the Western Hemisphere. Structural exposure to external shocks and natural hazards go hand in hand with high levels of crime, political...
Despite Ghana’s growth in the last several decades, regional, demographic, and social inequalities have exacerbated marginalization and exclusion, leaving vulnerable groups exposed to exogeneous economic...
Though located in various oceans, many Small Island Developing States (SIDS) share a major common feature: they are among the most exposed nations to natural hazards and climate change. SIDS are also characterized...
Всемирный банк выполнил работу по оценке Национальной гидрометеорологической службы Республики Казахстан (РГП «Казгидромет») в части систем мониторинга, прогнозирования, планирования и предупреждения об...