This note introduces key evaluation approaches and methods that can produce credible evidence about the welfare and distributional impacts of infrastructure interventions. Evaluating both types of impact...
Evidence illustrates that investment in infrastructure is essential to accelerate inclusive growth. Indeed, a number of Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries have begun to devote greater resources to large-scale...
The US authorities announced in December 2014 an intention to normalize relations with Cuba, including measures to ease economic sanctions and the ban on US citizens’ travel to Cuba. The impact of the...
This paper uses a three-step Bayesian cross-entropy estimation approach in an environment of noisy and scarce data to estimate behavioral parameters for a computable general equilibrium model. The estimation...
There is substantial evidence that with the progressive global decline in tariffs over several decades, trade costs are a more significant barrier to trade than tariffs, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa...
The Clean Development Mechanism established under the Kyoto Protocol allows industrialized Annex I countries to offset part of their domestic emissions by investing in emissions-reduction projects in developing...
Given the growing importance of commitments to foreign investors in services in regional trade agreements, it is important to develop applied general equilibrium models to assess the impacts of liberalization...
Despite the growing importance of commitments to foreign investors in services in regional trade agreements, there are no applied general equilibrium models in the literature that assess these regional...
A 'bottom up' regional Computable General Equilibrium Model (CGE) model for Vietnam is constructed for 28 commodities and 8 regions (using a GSO input-output table for 2005). The model is used to analyze...
This paper attempts to numerically measure the respective impacts of trade and competition-policy based liberalization of Lebanese markets within an applied general equilibrium framework. The authors estimate...
This paper documents the construction of an empirical recursive-dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of Poland's economy. It also describes in more detail how the social accounting matrix...
In this paper, the authors describe South Africa's value added tax (VAT), showing that (1) the VAT is mildly regressive, and (2) it is an effective source of government revenue, compared with other tax...
The authors use a computable general equilibrium comparative static model of the Russian economy to assess the impact of accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) on income distribution and the poor...
Most interesting results on the welfare effects of regional arrangements are ambiguous at a theoretical level. Many questions only have quantitative answers that are specific to the particular structural...
This study is part of a series of analytical works on Algeria prepared by the Bank, with the aim of laying out the framework, and facilitating the dialogue for elaborating the Bank's Country Assistance...
The European Union (EU), Japan, and the United States (US) have recently announced initiatives to improve market access for the poorest countries. The authors assess the impact on Sub-Saharan Africa of...
Using a tax model of an open economy, the authors provide a simple but rigorous method for estimating the fiscal impact of trade reform. Both the direction and the magnitude of the fiscal consequences...
The authors analyze the U.S. demand for Bangladeshi imports for products restricted under the Multifiber Arrangement. Because Bangladesh is only a small supplier of these products and Latin American and...