This paper focuses on the effect of preferential trade agreements and their depth on firm-to-firm ownership, in particular, along global value chains. It measures shareholder–affiliate ownership links...
The global economy is facing uncertainties and a slowdown in growth and productivity that are unprecedented. The broad-based slowdown in growth rates has profound implications for the world’s ability to...
A new report from the World Bank Group focuses on the trends in foreign direct investment (FDI), which encompasses foreign investment in new or existing firms and production facilities. FDI is a subset...
In 2011, the Pomerania region of Poland set up Invest in Pomerania (IiP) as its regional investment promotion agency. Several local institutions together launched IiP to ensure regional coordination of...
In 2011, the Pomerania region of Poland set up Invest in Pomerania (IiP) as its regional investment promotion agency. Several local institutions together launched IiP to ensure regional coordination of...
In 2011, the Pomerania region of Poland set up ‘Invest in Pomerania’ (IiP) as its regional investment promotion agency. Several local institutions together launched IiP to ensure regional coordination...
In 2011, the Pomerania region of Poland set up ‘Invest in Pomerania’ (IiP) as its regional investment promotion agency. Several local institutions together launched IiP to ensure regional coordination...
Investment promotion agencies (IPAs) use advocacy services to help their countries improve the quantity and quality of FDI they can attract, retain, and grow in the future. Successful IPA advocacy persuades...
Foreign direct investment (FDI) provides benefits to host country firms and citizens by creating jobs, promoting technology transfer, and helping develop stronger linkages to global value chains (GVCs)...
Foreign direct investment (FDI) can contribute significantly towards India reaching its aspiration of 8 percent growth per annum. Prior to 2009, India did not have a national dedicated organization with...
Foreign direct investment (FDI) is an important source of capital for economic growth in developed and developing countries. Not only does FDI generate jobs and economic growth, it can also trigger highly...
Foreign investment in services can have an important role in helping unlock growth, create jobs, and support export diversification. Yet, many services still face pervasive investment restrictions. This...
This note describes the options available to governments for establishing high-level institutional structures that can be used to improve the performance of their institutional framework for foreign investment...
The development of a new foreign direct investment (FDI) strategy for Uzbekistan comes at an important moment to support Uzbekistan’s new development objectives. The report provides core inputs and elements...
The development of a new foreign direct investment (FDI) strategy for Uzbekistan comes at an important moment to support Uzbekistan’s new development objectives. The report provides core inputs and elements...
Host countries sometimes require foreign investors to bring a certain minimum amount of capital to be able to invest in the economy. This requirement is sometimes confused with the minimum paid-up capital...
Foreign direct investment (FDI) can bring many benefits to Kosovo’s economy, creating more and better jobs and spurring greater and more resilient economic growth. Many transition economies have used FDI...
Working Upstream means proactively helping to stimulate and to create conditions that result in the movement of capital private, domestic, and foreign into productive investment in member countries. The...