La presente Estrategia Regional de Educación articula el plan del Banco Mundial (2022-25) para apoyar la educación en África Occidental y Central (AFW). Con base en la evidencia global y regional, las...
This Regional Education Strategy articulates the World Bank’s plan (2022–25) for supporting education in AFW countries. Based on global and regional evidence, lessons learned, and consultations with diverse...
This Regional Education Strategy articulates the World Bank’s plan (2022–25) for supporting education in AFW countries. Based on global and regional evidence, lessons learned, and consultations with diverse...
Education is the cornerstone of development, and an essential driver of stability, social cohesion, and peace. Countries need to invest in learning today to build the Western and Central Africa of tomorrow...
This Regional Education Strategy articulates the World Bank’s plan (2022–25) for supporting education in AFW countries. Based on global and regional evidence, lessons learned, and consultations with diverse...
This Regional Education Strategy articulates the World Bank’s plan (2022–25) for supporting education in AFW countries. Based on global and regional evidence, lessons learned, and consultations with diverse...