The production of plastic boomed over the last century due to its benefits as being cost-effective, lightweight, easy to make, durable, and recyclable. However, the amounts of plastic waste generated during...
Fisheries is largely a private sector-led industry, with individual private fishers and companies dominating the industry from capture through to processing. However, the fisheries sector requires public...
Blue Finance is an emerging area in Climate Finance with increased interest from investors, financial institutions, and issuers globally. It offers tremendous opportunities and helps address pressing challenges...
In response to a request from the Government of Vietnam, this World Bank study was conducted from July 2020 to April 2021 to deepen knowledge about the different plastic waste types leaking into rivers...
Đáp ứng yêu cầu của Chính phủ Việt Nam, nghiên cứu này của Ngân hàng Thế giới được thực hiện từ tháng 7 năm 2020 đến tháng 4 năm 2021 để nâng cao kiến thức về các loại rác thải nhựa khác nhau rò rỉ ra...
As a small island off the North American coast, Jamaica faces unique development opportunities and constraints. Jamaica has been a beacon of political stability, liberty, and cultural influence. The COVID-19...
As a small island off the North American coast, Jamaica faces unique development opportunities and constraints. Jamaica has been a beacon of political stability, liberty, and cultural influence. The COVID-19...
The government of Vietnam has set ambitious targets for reducing marine plastic litter. In its National Action Plan for Management of Marine Plastic Litter by 2030, Vietnam’s government committed to cutting...
Vietnam is one of the world’s major plastic litter polluters; every year an estimated 280,000 to 310,000 tons of plastic leak into the ocean. The roadmap focuses on reducing the single use plastics (SUPs)...
Chính phủ Việt Nam đã đặt ra các mục tiêu đầy tham vọng để giảm rác thải nhựa đại dương. Trong Kế hoạch hành động quốc gia về quản lý rác thải nhựa đại dương đến năm 2030, Chính phủ Việt Nam cam kết cắt...
Việt Nam là một trong những nước gây ô nhiễm rác thải nhựa lớn nhất thế giới; Mỗi năm ước tính có khoảng 280.000 đến 310.000 tấn nhựa rò rỉ ra đại dương. Lộ trình tập trung vào việc giảm thiểu các loại...
A critical and fragile country in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo is a large, populous country (80 million people) and one of the poorest in the world (73 percent of its population...
A critical and fragile country in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo is a large, populous country (80 million people) and one of the poorest in the world (73 percent of its population...
A critical and fragile country in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo is a large, populous country (80 million people) and one of the poorest in the world (73 percent of its population...
A critical and fragile country in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo is a large, populous country (80 million people) and one of the poorest in the world (73 percent of its population...
Cazul Pipera oferă un exemplu al potențialelor averi mixte ale reamenajărilor la scară largă (în acest caz, la doar kilometri una dintre ele în Pipera Nord și Sud) și poate servi drept studiu de caz pentru...
Pentru a vă face o imagine mai clară asupra celor mai importante nevoi privind mobilitatea urbană din Municipiul București, această lucrare explorează proiectele propuse în principalele documente strategice...
To get a clearer picture of the most important needs regarding the urban mobility in Bucharest City, this work explores the projects proposed in the main strategic documents drawn up in the last 20 years...
The Pipera case offers an example of the potential mixed fortunes of large scale re-developments (in this case only kilometers apart in Pipera North and South) and can serve as case study to extract lessons...