The publication of nearly 600,000 new species occurrence maps using Global Biodiversity Information Facility data provides an opportunity to reassess international species protection with broader representation...
Photovoltaic-powered groundwater pumping offers a transformative solution for water services in underserved areas. However, without proper regulation, this technology could overexploit groundwater resources...
Sub-Saharan Africa’s low agricultural productivity exacerbates rural poverty. An important investment, the sustainable use of groundwater for irrigation, has the potential to increase agricultural productivity...
The developing world has built structures on an unprecedented scale to accommodate population growth and urbanization. The horizontal and vertical structuring of the building stock resulting from this...
IFC has been a leader in setting standards for environmental and social (E&S) sustainability, and sharing its experiences in applying its Performance Standards with the financial institutions around the...
IFC has been a leader in setting standards for environmental and social (E&S) sustainability, and sharing its experiences in applying its Performance Standards with the financial institutions around the...
This brief talks about the performance of Ecom Agroindustrial Corporation Ltd. (ECOM) financed by IFC. ECOM is a global commodity trading and processing company specializing in coffee, cotton, cocoa, and...
The world is experiencing a severe loss of biodiversity, highlighting the need for a strong global conservation strategy. Effective conservation depends on accurate information about where endangered species...
Voluntary ecolabeling programs have gained popularity in the tourism industry as initiatives for promoting ecofriendly practices among tourism firms. Yet, for these programs to appeal to firms, it is crucial...
The Global Partnership for Sustainable and Resilient Landscapes (PROGREEN) is an Umbrella 2.0 program administered by the World Bank; it supports rural livelihood development and landscape restoration...
Ratings for the Mato Grosso Fiscal Adjustment and Environmental Sustainability DPL for Brazil were as follows: outcomes were satisfactory, relevance of prior actions was highly satisfactory, and the bank...
Despite policy efforts in recent decades, deforestation remains a pervasive phenomenon in Brazil. Yet deforestation is not only affected by forest governance. It is also driven by global demand for commodities...
This paper develops a dynamic spatial equlibrium model of Amazon deforestation, accounting for trade and labor markets dynamics. It uses this model to study the impact of local sectoral shocks and policies...
In recent years, much has been written about sustainability as a critical component of business success. However, relatively little guidance is available about how boards should practically govern this...
Air pollution is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, especially affecting poorer people who tend to be more exposed and vulnerable. This study contributes (i) updated global exposure estimates...