This is a list of selected World Bank Group publications on childcare. It provides links to the documents, as well as bibliographical information.
The Ugandan economy continues to demonstrate resilience. Inflation in Uganda has significantly decreased, falling below the central bank’s target. On the external side, the current account deficit remained...
Early childhood is a crucial period for skills development and socio-emotional growth. Forcibly displaced children experience significant trauma, necessitating effective interventions. This paper examines...
Evidence-based parenting programs are interventions aimed at improving behaviors, parental practices, skills, and knowledge to promote healthy child development, through support and education from professionals...
The development objective of the Integrated Early Childhood Development (ECD) Project is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of cash transfer programs for vulnerable populations, including pregnant...
The Foundational Learning Compact Progress Report October 2023–September 2024 presents the progress made in FLC activities and highlights from its associated trust fund, the Early Learning Partnership...
This report synthesizes available evidence on childcare in Cambodia to provide a holistic analysis of the policy landscape and priorities for further investment. It presents new data to describe the existing...
Senegal has demonstrated success in building a policy framework that favors early childhood development (ECD), including an integrated Early Childhood Education (ECE) policy. Furthermore, ECE is a key...
وقد أثبتت السنغال نجاحها في بناء إطار للسياسات يعطي الأولوية لتنمية الطفولة المبكرة، بما في ذلك سياسة متكاملة عنصرا أساسيا في برنامج تحسين جودة ECE للنماء في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة. علاوة على ذلك ، تعليم...
The government of Türkiye has recognized the crucial importance of early learning and hasimplemented various initiatives to improve access and quality in recent years. For example, the "10,000 Schools...
وقد أثبتت السنغال نجاحها في بناء إطار للسياسات يعطي الأولوية لتنمية الطفولة المبكرة، بما في ذلك سياسة متكاملةعنصرا أساسيا في برنامج تحسين جودة ECE للنماء في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة. علاوة على ذلك ، تعليم...
Le gouvernement de Türkiye a reconnu l'importance cruciale de l'apprentissage précoce et a mis en oeuvre diverses initiatives pour améliorer l'accès et la qualité au cours des dernières années. Par exemple...
The West Bank and Gaza has made significant progress in strengthening the early learning system. Despite political and economic challenges, access to preschool education has expanded and the gross enrollment...
Ces dernières années, l'Ouganda a réalisé d'importants progrès en matière d'apprentissage précoce de qualité. Par exemple, la politique nationale intégrée de développement de la petite enfance a été adoptée...
In recent years, Uganda has made important progress in advancing quality early learning. For example, the National Integrated Early Childhood Development Policy (NIECDP) was adopted in 2016. The Children...
El gobierno de Turquía ha reconocido la crucial importancia de la educación inicial y en los últimos años ha implementado varias iniciativas para mejorar el acceso y la calidad. Por ejemplo, el proyecto...