The Country Opinion Survey in Somalia assists the World Bank Group (WBG) in better understanding how stakeholders in Somalia perceive the WBG. It provides the WBG with systematic feedback from national...
The Government of Kerala (GoK) is committed to using data-driven tools and services for resilience and has embarked upon several innovative data programs that address known gaps in the resilience related...
The growth of e-commerce has the potential to reduce shopping-related travel but brings with it additional freight vehicle trips for the delivery of online orders to consumers. Understanding the overall...
Los datos pueden ser una herramienta poderosa para mejorar la vida de las personas y reducir la pobreza; A través de los datos se puede identificar por ejemplo a quienes carecen de servicios esenciales...
This system design document was compiled following workshops with key national stakeholders followed by subsequent key informant interviews and data collection. Expansive data collection and follow-on...
These are key highlights from the publication “Data in Action” which consolidates the findings of the natural resources data assessments conducted in: Colombia, Ghana, Mongolia, and Peru by the From Disclosure...