Many children in the region are schooling-deprived because there are no schools or schools are too far from where they live; and many children are learning-deprived as they attend schools with infrastructure...
This report presents five steps for safe buildings: preparation for cyclone season; roof repairs; securing water collection; maintaining doors and windows; and always use experienced carpenters.
The objective of the Southeast Asia Disaster Risk Management Project aims to reduce the impacts of flooding in Muang Xay of Oudomxay (ODX) Province and enhance capacity of the Government of Lao PDR (GOL)...
The development objective of the Education Improvement Project for Armenia is to: (a) improve school readiness of children entering primary education; (b) improve physical conditions and the availability...
Le présent guide a été conçu par les Éditions Techniques de l`Ingénieur pour répondre aux attentes des différents acteurs de la filière bois et de la construction au Cameroun. Il a été élaboré dans le...
This policy note is part of the World Bank's Programmatic Public Expenditure Review (PER) work program for FY2012-2014. The PER consists of a series of fiscal policy notes, which aim at providing the Government...
This brief describes the second component of the Education System Realignment and Strengthening Project (APL #2), which focuses on improving the school physical learning environment in schools in emergency...
The Social and Economic Recovery Project has helped people in areas affected by war or underdevelopment by creating jobs, building schools and funding projects for the elderly or disabled. It has created...
Indigenous healing has shown itself to be an effective treatment for the trauma suffered by children in war-torn countries of Africa. Recent experience in Mozambique demonstrates that other dimensions...