The objective of this assessment is to identify gender and social inclusion gaps with respect to equitable access to clean and modern energy in the Horn of Africa (HoA) borderlands, specifically in Djibouti...
This paper examines the relationship between violent conflict and the willingness of potential migrants to accept lower skilled work (occupational downgrading). The paper develops a theoretical model of...
2024 was one of the worst years for the Palestinian economy and public finances due to the impact of the Middle East conflict, centered in Gaza. The economy witnessed its largest drop on record contracting...
Ces dernières années, les conflits violents se sont multipliés de manière très significative, touchant en particulier les pays à faible revenu et façonnant un paysage de fragilité de plus en plus complexe...
In recent years, violent conflict has spiked significantly, affecting low-income countries in particular, and shaping an increasingly complex fragility landscape. By 2030, over half of the world’s extreme...
This paper strives to explain the disconnect between lessons from research literature and the relative rigidity of state-building approaches by practitioners attempting post-war reconstruction in fragile...
This report presents the findings of an interim Damage and Loss Assessment (DaLA) conducted by the World Bank to assess the impact of the conflict affecting Lebanon. As of November 7, 2024, the conflict...
Displacement and conflict substantially heighten the risk of gender-based violence including intimate partner violence (IPV), experienced by women and girls. This study aims to examine the links between...
This is a statement by Sang Mok Choi regarding the 110th Meeting of the Development Committee, which was held on October 25, 2024. The invasion of Ukraine by Russia is condemned for its humanitarian toll...
This is a statement by Anneliese Dodds and Rachel Reeves regarding the 110th Meeting of the Development Committee, held on October 25, 2024. They underscored the importance of the IMF and World Bank Group...
This report discusses the remarks delivered by Ajay Banga, President of the World Bank, at the 2024 annual meetings plenary. This document outlines the World Bank's efforts to adapt and evolve in response...
This is a statement by Nadia Fettah Alaoui regarding the 110th Meeting of the Development Committee, held on October 25, 2024. She praised the World Bank Group's (WBG) commitment to sustainable development...
This is a statement by Arvils Ašeradens regarding the 110th Meeting of the Development Committee, held on October 25, 2024. He highlighted critical global issues, including the rise of violent conflict...
This is a statement by H.E. Sheikh Salman bin Khalifa Al Khalifa at the 110th Meeting of the Development Committee held on October 25, 2024. Most of our countries have faced significant economic and social...
This is a statement by Antoine Armand regarding the 110th Meeting of the Development Committee, held on October 25, 2024. He addresses global economic challenges, emphasizing that peace is essential for...
This is a statement by Mehmet Şimşek regarding the 110th Meeting of the Development Committee, held on October 25, 2024. He highlights the current global economic uncertainty, marked by modest growth...
This is a statement by Mohammed Aljadaan regarding the 110th Meeting of the Development Committee, held on October 25, 2024. He emphasized the need for an end to violence to protect human lives and livelihoods...
This is a statement by Janet Yellen regarding the 110th Meeting of the Development Committee, held on October 25, 2024. She emphasizes the importance of Bretton Woods institutions in fostering a prosperous...