Cities are often heralded as the engines of economic growth, contributing a disproportionate share of a country's GDP relative to their population size. This trend has fueled a significant increase in...
Pakistan is currently navigating an unfavorable urban trajectory. Poor urban management is preventing it from realizing the full promise of urbanization in the form of improved prosperity and livability...
The development objective of Can Tho Urban Development and Resilience Project for Viet Nam is to develop Can Tho sustainably, enhancing the city to be resilient to the impacts of climate change, promoting...
The six Western Balkans (WeBa) countries, composed of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia, have undergone major economic transformations over the past 15 years...
Dhaka’s population grew from 3 million in 1980 to over 19 million today. Due to inadequate infrastructure, lack of public amenities and severe traffic congestion, the residents face many difficulties in...
How will the world’s developing cities become vibrant—capable of meeting the climate, social, and economic challenges of tomorrow? Vibrant cities offer firms and households high expectations for good returns...
مع تخبّط المدن أكثر فأكثر في أزمات معقدة ومتداخلة، من جائحة كوفيد- 19 إلى تغير المناخ والصراعات في عدة مناطق، تطرح بعض الأسئلة المهمة نفسها: كيف يمكن للمدن مواجهة التحديات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والمناخية...
The development objective of the Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project for Vietnam is to increase access to improved urban infrastructure services and enhance integrated urban planning and management...
The development objective of the Scaling Up Urban Upgrading Project for Vietnam is to improve access to infrastructure in priority city areas and improve urban planning in the participating cities. Some...
Ratings for the Sichuan Chongqing Cooperation : Guang’an Demonstration Area Infrastructure Development Project for China were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and...
O presente estudo está dividido em seis capítulos. O Capítulo 1 apresenta o diagnóstico das redes cicloviárias atual e proposta pela Prefeitura de São Paulo, finalizando com recomendações sobre a priorização...
The World Bank has been providing technical support to Bucharest City Hall (BCH) for the past two years, under the Bucharest Urban Development Program. This report, Output 13 builds on this prior work...
This report explores the organizational structure of the city’s real estate and local economic development (LED) functions, highlights examples of good practices of high-performing global cities’ organization...
This output was delivered in February 2022 under the Reimbursable Advisory Services Agreement on the Bucharest Urban Development Program, concluded between the Municipality of Bucharest and the International...
This output was delivered in February 2022 under the Reimbursable Advisory Services Agreement on the Bucharest Urban Development Program, concluded between the Municipality of Bucharest and the International...
This output was delivered in February 2022 under the Reimbursable Advisory Services Agreement on the Bucharest Urban Development Program, concluded between the Municipality of Bucharest and the International...
This report covers the period between April 2021 and April 2022 under the advisory services agreement on the Bucharest Urban Development Program. The report advances the previous work related to the implementation...
This report advances the previous work related to the implementation action plan and the monitoring and evaluation framework for the PIDU Project 8. The scope of this deliverable is to highlight administrative...
This report explores the organizational structure of the city’s real estate and local economic development (LED) functions, highlights examples of good practices of high-performing global cities’ organization...