Cities in the Western Balkans are no strangers to great upheavals. They have charted their course through wars, political transformations, and societal shifts, and their ability to endure has emerged as...
Cities are often heralded as the engines of economic growth, contributing a disproportionate share of a country's GDP relative to their population size. This trend has fueled a significant increase in...
In "Future Amman Positioned at a Juncture: Three Strategies Toward Climate-Smart Spatial Transformation," the intricate dynamics of Amman's urban landscape are meticulously studied to offer a comprehensive...
The development objective of Can Tho Urban Development and Resilience Project for Viet Nam is to develop Can Tho sustainably, enhancing the city to be resilient to the impacts of climate change, promoting...
The development objective of Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project for Viet Nam is to increase access to improved urban infrastructure services and enhance integrated urban planning and management...
In both G20 and non-G20 countries alike, cities have a crucial role to play in the achievement of national development goals. Already, cities generate more than 80 percent of global GDP and, with a share...
The development objective of the Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project for Vietnam is to increase access to improved urban infrastructure services and enhance integrated urban planning and management...
The development objective of the Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project for Vietnam is to increase access to improved urban infrastructure services and enhance integrated urban planning and management...
Institutional constraints and weak capacity often hamper the ability of local governments in developing countries to steer urbanization. As a result, there are not enough cities to accommodate an unabated...
The Smart Mobility Program for the City of São Paulo (hereafter referred to as the Smart Mobility Program or simply the Program), is one of the largest technical analysis and consultancy projects ever...
The Smart Mobility Program for the City of São Paulo (hereafter referred to as the Smart Mobility Program or simply the Program), is one of the largest technical analysis and consultancy projects ever...
El objetivo principal de esta nota es contribuir con la identificación de modelos, prácticas e instrumentos de financiamiento que permitan una mejor coordinación de la inversión pública encaminados al...
Cities and countries the world over are at the cusp of epochal global trends whose impacts are likely to be more intense and more far-reaching than those of similar trends in the past. The simultaneity...
This report presents the findings and conclusions of phase 1, public space diagnostics, of the World Bank’s Participatory Urban Design (PUD) project in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The aim of phase 1 of the project...
This report explores the organizational structure of the city’s real estate and local economic development (LED) functions, highlights examples of good practices of high-performing global cities’ organization...
This report was delivered in month March 2021 under the reimbursable advisory services agreement on the Cluj-Napoca urban development program, concluded between the municipality of Cluj-Napoca and the...