This document provides governments in the Member States countries of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) region with a recommended approach and specific tactics for designing, developing, and implementing...
One of the key challenges facing innovative small and medium enterprises is customer acquisition. This is especially a constraint in less populated countries like those in the Western Balkans, where domestic...
This Professionalization and Capacity Building Strategy (P&CBS) in public procurement is a key milestone in the reform especially now after the voting and official publication of the Public Procurement...
On October 30, 2007, the World Bank Board of Executive Directors today approved an International Development Association (IDA) additional grant in an amount of US3 million dollars to support the Capacity...
On June 14, 2007, the World Bank Board of Directors today approved an International Development Association (IDA) grant of US5 million dollars to support the basic emergency needs of the population and...
On May 29, 2007, the World Bank's Board of Executive directors approved today a US10 million dollars International Development Association credit for Burkina Faso that will support the government's efforts...
On March 21, 2007, the World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved an International Development Association (IDA) grant of US40 million dollars to support the Community and Social Development Project...