Overall budget expenditures for Afghanistan have grown steadily in nominal terms since 1389. But taking account of inflation and population growth, real per capita spending has been roughly constant since...
Romania launched its first efforts to update its strategic planning and performance budgeting system in 2006, by implementing a government-wide strategic planning process. This Reimbursable Advisory Services...
The objective of the RAS on Second Phase of Strengthening Planning and Budgeting Capacity is to help the Government of Romania (GoR) to strengthen the planning, budgeting and policy monitoring processes...
The report presents the support provided to enable the seven ministries that cover fifteen public policy domains to upload their respective updated Institutional Strategic Plan (ISPs) into the M&E tool...
The Republic of Congo (ROC) has enacted an organic law requiring the preparation and execution of the government budget following the programmatic approach rather than the traditional line-item budgeting...
This report includes: NDVP Technical Committee, vaccination priority groups and target; costing process; resource needs estimates, distribution by program area and key points; resource mobilization, comparing...
The purpose of this report is to present to the General Secretariat of the Government (GSG) of Romania, the draft Institutional Strategic Plans (ISPs) covering fourteen policy domains for the seven ministries...
On October 13, 2017, International Finance Corporation (IFC) Board of Governors adopted resolution number two hundred and sixty four. It was resolved that the Board of Governors of the Corporation consider...
The Budget Committee and the Committee on Development Effectiveness (the committees) met to consider the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) Work Program and Budget (FY17) and Indicative Plan (FY18-19)...
As International Finance Corporation's (IFC) celebrates its sixtieth anniversary as the world’s largest development finance institution devoted to the private sector, it remains committed to the World...