This report, which also includes detailed case studies, is the first comprehensive review of benefit sharing conducted within the Bank; previous studies have focused on specific sectors only. The goal...
This Benefit Sharing Plan documents the arrangements that will be used to reward stakeholders for reducing emissions, managing land sustainably, and protecting ecosystems under the Eastern Province Jurisdictional...
El sistema de pensiones en Argentina es el principal receptor de recursos públicos. Esto explica valores de gasto en torno al 12% del PIB, equivalente al 25% del gasto público consolidado; es decir, teniendo...
On September 13, 2017, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Board of Governors adopted resolution number six hundred and fifty seven. It was resolved that the Child Planning...
The development objectives of Social Safety Nets and Employment Support Project in Bosnia and Herzegovina were to: (i) support non-contributory cash transfers in reaching the eligible poor and disabled;...