This paper presents the results from a novel field experiment that examined the impact of in- creasing the presence of revenue authority officers on tax compliance and tax morale among small and medium-size...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, low- and middle-income countries struggled with lower vaccination rates compared to wealthier countries, posing challenges to reducing virus transmission, mitigating healthcare...
Poverty is multidimensional, associated not only with a lack of financial resources, but also often social-psychological constraints, such as diminished agency and aspirations. Through a series of field...
Inequality of opportunity leads to misallocation of human capital and can affect economies via its impact on individual economic decision making. This paper studies the impact of inequality of opportunity...
This paper uses data from a survey of 116,061 households in India to study people’s beliefs about inequality and demand for redistribution. The findings show that a household’s beliefs about inequality...
Growing evidence on the links between poverty and psychology has prompted increased interest in the psychosocial impacts of economic interventions and the economic impacts of psychologically motivated...
Addressing the growing burden of noncommunicable diseases to achieve healthy longevity for an aging population has become central to global health policy goals. New policy tools are needed for effectively...
Parental leave has been increasingly used as a family policy to facilitate balancing care and work responsibilities and promoting gender equality. However, fathers' parental leave participation is still...
Women’s labor force participation in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq is very low, at 14 percent. This paper investigates a number of social and psychological barriers to participation, using recent methods...