2023 年对 SBFN 衡量框架的更新充分考虑了成员的优先事项和可持续金融的全球趋势。它涵盖了整个金融部门生态系统(包括银行、资本市场、保险和养老基金)的发展,反映了 SBFN 成员的多样性。它引入了新的优先事项,例如自然相关风险、包容性金融以及对应国际良好实践和标准制定的气候风险新指标。更新后的框架也力求通过量化指标衡量可持续金融的实施情况。
A atualização de 2023 da Estrutura de Medição da SBFN foi orientada pelas prioridades dos membros e pelas tendências globais em finanças sustentáveis. Ela reflete a diversificação dos membros da SBFN...
La actualización de 2023 del Marco de Medición SBFN se diseñó de acuerdo con las prioridades de losmiembros y las tendencias mundiales en materia de finanzas sostenibles. Refleja la diversificación de...
The Basel Core Principles (BCP) assessment was conducted in Panama City, Panama, from January 17 to February 6, 2023. This assessment of the implementation of the BCPs by the Superintendency of Banks of...
The recent turmoil in US and European banks is a timely reminder of the potential for financial shocks to spill over into financial sectors in emerging market and developing economies. So far, banks in...
This paper analyzes how capital requirements from environmental risk exposure affect bank lending to the corporate sector, and how these effects transmit to real economic activity and greenhouse gas emissions...
The BSP’s regulatory framework is broadly effective for the size and complexity of the Philippine banking system, but legislative gaps continue to hinder effective supervision of banks. The BSP has a well-resourced...
This paper studies the dynamics of credit supply when a negative shock impacts a substantial share of bank loans. The analysis exploits the 2014 collapse of energy prices, using the universe of Mexican...
Insurance is an important part of the financial sector. It supports broader economic and general well‐being in developed economies in a way that is so entrenched and accepted that it is not widely recognized...
This paper examines changes in bank capital and capital regulations since the global financial crisis, in the Europe and Central Asia region. It shows that banks in Europe and Central Asia are better capitalized...
The main public policy objectives of a deposit insurer are to reimburse depositors after bankfailure and to contribute to the stability of a financial system. To achieve these objectivesand to build public...