Are politically connected firms more likely to evade taxes? This paper presents evidence suggesting firms owned by President Ben Ali and his family were more prone to evade import tariffs. During Ben...
What transforms a desirable project on a government wish list to an attractive investment opportunity in the eyes of a potential private sector partner? This guide seeks to enhance the chances of developing...
Although international funders have been longstanding supporters of financial inclusion, their commitments have been put to the test in the past five years. The financial crisis led to a more challenging ...
Mobile network operators (MNOs) such as Safaricom in Kenya; Vodacom, Tigo, and Airtel in Tanzania; and Econet in Zimbabwe are collectively underscoring the importance and potential of MNO-led business...
Mobile network operators (MNOs) such as Safaricom in Kenya; Vodacom, Tigo, and Airtel in Tanzania; and Econet in Zimbabwe are collectively underscoring the importance and potential of MNO-led business...
Macroeconomic conditions remained generally stable at end-2014. The growth rate is estimated at 3 percent, driven by extractive industry and services sector. Inflation is contained at 6 percent on a ...
Azerbaijan’s development at the beginning of the XXI century is characterized by the great success story of its petroleum industry, which has propelled Azerbaijan to the level of the most rapidly growing ...
Kazakhstan is experiencing slower economic growth in 2014 due to negative supply- and demand-side effects. The Kazakh authorities are using expansionary fiscal and monetary policies to stimulate domestic...
Second quarter gross domestic product (GDP) estimates and high-frequency indicators suggest continued weakness in the economy even before the latest round of economic sanctions introduced by the European...
Some of the headings included in this issue of the Development Economics Prospects Group (DECPG) daily economic news are as follows: financial markets; high income economies; and developing economies...
The Government of Bulgaria (GoB) is concerned that large retail chains may be using their superior bargaining position to dictate the terms of contractual relations with their suppliers. The Government ...
Some of the headings included in this issue of the Development Economics Prospects Group (DECPG) daily economics and financial market commentary newsletter are as follows: financial markets; high-income...
Creating more and better jobs is perhaps the most critical challenge to boosting shared prosperity in Europe and Central Asia (ECA). This report examines the role of reforms, firms, skills, incentives...
The Agro-Pastoral Export and Market Development Project for Niger aims to develop income and diversification of economic opportunities in order to improve the living conditions of people of Niger. The ...