Pada 5,1 persen pada Q1-2024, pertumbuhan PDB tetap tangguh melampaui rata-rata negara berpenghasilan menengah. Konsumsi swasta yang kuat menyumbang 57 persen dari pertumbuhan PDB. Hal ini mencerminkan...
At 5.1 percent in Q1-2024, GDP growth remains resilient surpassing the middle-income countries’ average. Robust private consumption accounted for 57 percent of GDP growth. This reflects consumer confidence...
Indonesia telah berhasil menavigasi dampak makroekonomi dari guncangan global yang tidak sinkron. Pertumbuhan produk domestik bruto (PDB) tetap kuat meskipun ekonomi belum sepenuhnya pulih ke lintasan...
Indonesia has been successful in navigating the macroeconomic fallout from asynchronous global shocks. Gross domestic product (GDP) growth remains strong though the economy is yet to fully recover to its...
Informality is a multidimensional development challenge with features that potentially differ across workers, firms, and countries. This paper first briefly summarizes the literature, discusses the multiple...
Rejeki nomplok komoditas dan konsumsi swasta telah menopang pertumbuhan Indonesia meskipun lingkungan global yang sulit, tetapi tanda-tanda normalisasi permintaan domestik muncul. Inflasi mereda dengan...
Commodity windfalls and private consumption have sustained Indonesia’s growth despite a difficult global environment, but signs of normalizing domestic demand are emerging. Inflation is easing at a faster...
The Russia-Ukraine war has disrupted global trade and supply chains, exacerbating the rise in global commodity and food prices. Persistently high global inflation accompanied by tepid growth brings fears...