The lack of local capacity is often sighted across Bulgaria and the European Union (EU) as a reason for slow absorption rates or slow progress toward development results. Local government capacity is essential...
A smart urban development strategy should include the structural transformation of well-located vacant, abandoned, or disused buildings and areas. This is in contrast to new development in green field...
Municipalities are facing a dual challenge of a complicated planning landscape and a fragmented financing environment. They are required to prepare, implement, and assess various (theoretically compatible)...
A focus on reducing sprawl and encouraging more compact urban development supports positive development outcomes in terms of climate and the environment, the economy, and social dimensions. Compact urban...
Compact city: Spatial urban form characterized by compactness, with key characteristics as (i) dense and proximate development patterns; (ii) urban areas linked by public transport systems; and (iii) accessibility...
City plans clearly don’t reflect realistic population projections, and most plans seem to encourage even greater sprawl and will require significant capital investments to service and connect outlying...
A focus on reducing sprawl and encouraging more compact urban development supports positive development outcomes in terms of climate and the environment, the economy, and social dimensions. Compact urban...
Bulgaria faces a dual challenge of declining populations in a large number of medium and smaller sized cities and increased urbanization and growth pressures in a handful of larger cities. Around 74 percent...
Bulgaria faces a dual challenge of declining populations in a large number of medium and smaller sized cities and increased urbanization and growth pressures in a handful of larger cities. Around 74 percent...