This report makes several contributions to the literature on the welfare of FDPs and their hosts. On the data front, the harmonized database compiled for this report represents a large and unique source...
The World Bank’s High-Frequency Phone Surveys were deployed to support the monitoring of household welfare during the COVID-19 pandemic, when most of the regular household survey data collection was suspended...
The paper presents a first global investigation of the longer-term inequality implications of COVID-19 by examining the effect of school closures on the ability of children from different countries and...
This paper examines the welfare impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, using harmonized data from 343 high-frequency phone surveys conducted in 80 economies during 2020 and 2021, representing more than 2.5...
This paper examines the welfare impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, using harmonized data from 343 high frequency phone surveys (HFPS) conducted in 80 economies during 2020 and 2021, representing over 2.5...
This paper presents new evidence on the levels and trends of vaccine hesitancy in developing countries based on harmonized high-frequency phone surveys from more than 120,000 respondents in 53 low- and...
This paper presents new evidence on the levels and trends of vaccine hesitancy in developing countries based on harmonized high frequency phone surveys (HFPS) from over 120,000 respondents in 53 low and...
The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have been widespread and disproportionately affected vulnerable segments of the population, including children and their families. The modest progress made in reducing...