This document is an update to the previous Poverty Assessment and presents revised monetary poverty estimates and an update of non-monetary poverty indicators. Specifically, it presents an updated analysis...
Embora zonas rurais em Angola tenham as taxas mais elevadas de pobreza, um terço dos angolanos que vivem na pobreza e 40 por cento dos vulneráveis a cair na pobreza estão em áreas urbanas. No entanto...
Though rural Angola has higher rates of poverty, a third of Angolans living in poverty and 40 percent of those vulnerable to falling into poverty are in urban areas. Yet, Angola’s poverty alleviation strategy...
This document is an update to the previous Poverty Assessment and presents revised monetary poverty estimates and an update of non-monetary poverty indicators. Specifically, it presents an updated analysis...
Despite significant progress toward macroeconomic stability and adopting much needed structural reforms, estimates suggest that the Angola's economy remained in recession in 2019 for the fourth consecutive...