In FY2021, the LAC TSD started to include the mitigation measures into the regional microsimulation as one of the natural extensions of the model. A fourth channel of transmission was applied to the regional...
Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) reported over 30 million Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and around 960,000 deaths as of May 2021. Official tracking data shows that Brazil, Colombia, and Argentina have...
This note provides a characterization of jobs that are amenable to working from home (WFH), including the enabling factors of such jobs and the inequality implications in the Latin America and the Caribbean...
Poverty projections for 2020 in the LAC region suggest the crisis will likely reverse in a short time frame many of the social gains of the last decade. However, emergency transfers, primarily from Brazil...
The SEDLAC harmonization project includes a categorical ethnicity variable for each country when it is possible to classify individuals by ethnic groups in the household survey. This harmonized ethnicity...
The Socioeconomic Database for Latin America and the Caribbean (SEDLAC) is a database of harmonized socio-economic statistics constructed from Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) household surveys. The...