Learning opportunities for children in Sudan have been repeatedly interrupted over the years by armed conflicts, flooding, weak institutions, and decades of international isolation and political instability...
This study consists of six sections. Following this introduction, section 2 provides an overview of the structure of the education system and education sector context, highlighting the differences in the...
Sudan’s education sector faces new opportunities and immense challenges as the country seeks to move toward a new era of democracy and economic development. The change of government occurred in 2019 largely...
Girls’ education is a global development priority, as it is an effective approach to address broader structural social issues and drive the growth of national economies (World Bank 2021e). Girls’ education...
This document presents a strategic framework for establishing and supporting fragmented efforts towards a more resilient education system in Sudan; it is meant to be used in the context of school closures...
Teaching quality is an important determinant of learning outcomes, but in Sudan, teaching quality is enduring a crisis where more than half of all teachers are unqualified or under-qualified. Significant...
The primary objective of this policy note is to provide a diagnosis of the current performance of Sudan’s higher education system and institutions and propose a range of options that MOHESR can consider...
The report is structured as follows. Section 1 introduces the study and provides relevant context about Sudan. Section 2 gives an overview of the education sector, including its structure, management...
The objective of this policy note is to provide an overview of teacher training, school leadership and teacher management in Sudan. Goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals calls for a good quality...
This note aims to provide a brief assessment of the curriculum design, development, and implementation in Sudan. Within the context of the current political transition, this note seeks to identify some...
The Sudanese education system faces many challenges related to access, quality, equity, and resilience. Most Sudanese children lack basic foundational skills in literacy and numeracy. In this context...
Section 1 of this policy note provides an overview of the status of basic schools in Sudan. It highlights the main strengths and weaknesses. The strengths include the development of a school network through...