The development objective is to produce a set of guidance notes and analytical tools that will contribute to improving the quality and sustainability of urban transport knowledge and lending activities...
Urban transport practitioners worldwide are grappling with the challenge of providing more inclusive access to opportunities while reducing the negative externalities of travel such as costs, traffic crashes...
In 2008, the municipality of Málaga, Spain initiated a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) that was formally adopted by the City Council in 2011 and then updated in 2015. The SUMP was adopted as a ‘special...
This report includes some of the headings: motivation, multimodality: user perspective, multimodality: city perspective, Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS): A key enabler of multimodality, customer-centric paradigm...
People living in cities have more mobility options than ever before. Making the most out of expanding travel choices for cities and their residents will require integration among different mobility services...
Declarada pandemia mundial por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en marzo de 2020, la COVID-19 ha llevado a las ciudades de todo el mundo a considerar de manera más holística las relaciones entre...
Las ciudades inteligentes, con su capacidad de aprovechar los datos y la tecnología para mejorar la planificación y la eficiencia de la prestación de servicios, y su gobernanza y gestión urbana eficaz...
ste estudio de caso es parte del programa de Líderes en Planificación de la Movilidad Urbana (Leaders in Urban Transport Planning, LUTP). Su objetivo es proporcionar información de contexto que preceda...
Las ciudades inteligentes, con su capacidad de aprovechar los datos y la tecnología para mejorar la planificación y la eficiencia de la prestación de servicios, y su gobernanza y gestión urbana eficaz...
Declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) in March 2020, COVID-19 has prompted cities around the world to consider more holistically the relationships among public health, transportation...
In South Korea, the Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) has undertaken several measures that have strengthened the resilience of their urban transport system over time. Beginning in the early 2000s there...
Smart cities, with their ability to harness data and technology to improve planning and the efficiency of service delivery, and their governance and effective urban management, are key to achieving a green...
Smart cities, with their ability to harness data and technology to improve planning and the efficiency of service delivery, and their governance and effective urban management, are key to achieving a green...
This paper discusses the role of various stakeholders and the potential for partnerships to address spatial, temporal, and other service gaps particularly in response to pandemic changes in travel behavior...
The Leaders in Urban Transport Program (LUTP) is a successful capacity-building program that fills knowledge gaps and develops a network of peers among technical and high-level decision-makers. The LUTP...
When cities around the world discuss and prioritize no-regret plans to improve public transport, bus modernization initiatives often make it to the top. The process includes two main cases: (a) modernization...
Transport is the second leading source of global CO2 emissions. Cities worldwide are seeking ways to reduce transportation related emissions while improving urban mobility and introducing alternative fueled...
Since 2004 there is a rapid growth of cable cars as innovative urban transportation solution globally. Nowadays there are 19 cities implementing cable cars in Latin America, Asia and Europe, with 58 percent...