The objective of the Additional Financing for the Khammouane Development Project (KDP) is to strengthen the planning process and public financial management associated with decentralized delivery of services...
The development objective of the Additional Financing for the Khammouane Development Project to strengthen the planning process and public financial management associated with the decentralized delivery...
The project development objective (PDO) of the Khammouane Development Project (KDP) additional financing will be the same as that of the original project i.e. to strengthen the planning process and public...
The project development objective (PDO) of the Khammouane Development Project (KDP) additional financing will be the same as that of the original project i.e. to strengthen the planning process and public...
The project development objective (PDO) of the Khammouane Development Project (KDP) additional financing will be the same as that of the original project i.e. to strengthen the planning process and public...
The project development objective (PDO) of the Khammouane Development Project (KDP) additional financing will be the same as that of the original project i.e. to strengthen the planning process and public...