Ratings of Morupule B Generation and Transmission Project for Botswana were as follows: outcomes were unsatisfactory, risk to global environment outcome was high, Bank performance was unsatisfactory, and...
The objectives of the Morupule B Generation and Transmission Project are to expand domestic power generation capacity that will support sustained economic growth in Botswana; and build institutional capacity...
The objectives of the Morupule B Generation and Transmission Project are to support Botswana in: (i) developing reliable and affordable supply of electricity for energy security; (ii) promoting alternative...
The objectives of the Morupule B Generation and Transmission Project are to expand domestic power generation capacity that will support sustained economic growth in Botswana; and build institutional capacity...
The objectives of the Morupule B Generation and Transmission Project are to expand domestic power generation capacity that will support sustained economic growth in Botswana; and build institutional capacity...