Smallholders are the centerpiece of a 'pro-poor' agricultural growth agenda. Empowered through producer organizations and made more competitive by both institutional and techno-logical innovations, small...
Public spending and private sector investment in agricultural research in Latin America and the Caribbean (LCR) is low, and often lacks long-term strategic planning as well as budgetary transparency. However...
При разработке многочисленных мер политики в области развития, по-прежнему исходят из ошибочного предположения о том, что абсолютное большинство фермеров и сельскохозяйственных работников – мужчины. Учитывая...
Geography has had historically an effect on growth, both direct (i.e. through its impact on transportation costs, human health, agricultural productivity, and access to natural resources), and also indirect...
The design of many development policies continues to assume wrongly that farmers and rural workers are men. The important role of women in agriculture in many parts of the world calls for urgent attention...
The design of many development policies continues to assume wrongly that farmers and rural workers are men. The important role of women in agriculture in many parts of the world calls for urgent attention...
While primary agriculture accounts for only about 6 percent of total GDP in Latin America, agricultural and food exports combined represent well over 20 percent of the region's total merchandise exports...
The 2008 World Development Report (WDR) on Agriculture for Development emphasizes the importance of land access and land markets for broadly-based, poverty reducing growth. Global experience shows that...
The design of many development policies continues to assume wrongly that farmers and rural workers are men. The important role of women in agriculture in many parts of the world calls for urgent attention...
The design of many development policies continues to assume wrongly that farmers and rural workers are men. The important role of women in agriculture in many parts of the world calls for urgent attention...
The design of many development policies continues to assume wrongly that farmers and rural workers are men. The important role of women in agriculture in many parts of the world calls for urgent attention...