Alors que l’Afrique subsaharienne est confrontée à de multiples défis, notamment à des conflits liés à l’utilisation des terres, à l’urbanisation rapide souvent non planifiée et au changement climatique...
As Sub-Saharan Africa deals with multiple challenges, including land use conflicts, rapid and often unplanned urbanization, and climate change, there is a need to understand how improved tenure security...
By summarizing recent evidence and regional trends, this series is designed to provide Bhutan’s policymakers a digestible resource through which to better understand and respond to existing as well as...
This report presents our assessment of the relative importance of theseveral pollution problems and other man-induced chemical changes in theMediterranean Sea. It also presents an assessment of the relative...
Guidance on designing and implementing school grants (both uncondition al and conditional) is crucial. This note, while not a comprehensive guide on school grants, contains a small subset of practical...
The Basel Core Principles (BCP) assessment was conducted in Panama City, Panama, from January 17 to February 6, 2023. This assessment of the implementation of the BCPs by the Superintendency of Banks of...
Despite efforts to generate more funds for education, current financing in the education sector is inadequate, inefficient, and inequitable to ensure quality education and improve learning outcomes. One...
The foundation for capital market development in Kazakhstan is solid, yet supply and demandside issues restrict the deepening of the capital market. The macroeconomic conditions areconducive, despite the...
Consumer lending has grown significantly in Kazakhstan. Consumer lending by banks andnon-bank financial institutions has more than doubled between 2019 and 2023. Consumers areborrowing more, taking up...
The Kazakhstani financial system has undergone significant changes in recent years. Although Kazakhstan has made progress in strengthening financial stability, financial intermediation continues to lag...
Credit infrastructure is a critical enabler of a responsible credit system, benefiting both lenders and borrowers while contributing to financial inclusion and stability. It encompasses the set of institutions...
The July 2021 release of learning poverty estimates involves several changes to the data underlying the country-level learning poverty figures. This document provides details of the key changes made. Some...
To improve their education systems, countries around the world have increasingly initiated national largescale assessment programs or participated in international or regional large-scale assessment studies...
Panama has a large, internationally connected, and in some respects unique financial sector. It is an important regional banking hub hosting a large number of foreign banks and providing financial intermediation...
This technical note presents a high-level assessment of Panamanian payment systems and financial inclusion policies. It is based on the Payment Aspects of Financial Inclusion (PAFI) framework published...
In light of Panama’s exposure to foreign money laundering (ML) risks, its recent inclusion in the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) “grey list”, and reforms adopted by the government, this Technical Note...
Indonesia has taken crucial steps in meeting its climate targets while facing formidable challenges in transitioning towards a low-carbon and resilient economy. Global warming is affecting the island nation...
This Technical Note provides an overview of possible financial sector vulnerabilities to climate and environmental risks, assesses the current supervisory response to those risks, explores green finance...
This Financial Sector Assessment (FSA) report offers an update to the findings of the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) which took place in 2016. The report summarizes the main findings of the...
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