Sustainable development experts and policy makers expect carbon markets to drive climate finance and help meet climate goals. Carbon pricing and carbon markets continue to evolve and grow. New schemes...
This report, "Water Security and Climate Change: Insights from Country Climate and Development Reports," examines the crucial role of water in addressing climate change, drawing insights from the World...
Uttarakhand is a Himalayan Mountain state located in the Northern part of India, which is regularly devastated by flash floods, landslides, earthquakes, forest fires, glacier lake outbursts, and cloudburst...
The Republic of Congo (RoC) is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. RoC is committed to the Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and advance low carbon development. In...
This book sets out why climate policies are successfully adopted in some cases butmeet substantial opposition in others. Guided by the 4i Framework—covering four keycomponents of the political economy:...
This book sets out why climate policies are successfully adopted in some cases but meet substantial opposition in others. Guided by the 4i Framework—covering four key components of the political economy:...
Climate change is unfolding amid the greatest information and communication revolution in human history. From e-commerce and social media to smart manufacturing and precision farming, digital technologies...
To address the myriad challenges posed by global climate change, countries at all income levels have put in place a diverse set of policies over the past three decades. Many governments have already made...
The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) is a partnership between the Africa Union, African Development Bank, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), and the World...
The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) is a partnership between the Africa Union, African Development Bank, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), and the World...
The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) is a partnership between the Africa Union, African Development Bank, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), and the World...
The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) is a partnership between the Africa Union, African Development Bank, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), and the World...
The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) is a partnership between the Africa Union, African Development Bank, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), and the World...
Municipalities are facing a dual challenge of a complicated planning landscape and a fragmented financing environment. They are required to prepare, implement, and assess various (theoretically compatible)...
Compact city: Spatial urban form characterized by compactness, with key characteristics as (i) dense and proximate development patterns; (ii) urban areas linked by public transport systems; and (iii) accessibility...
The lack of local capacity is often sighted across Bulgaria and the European Union (EU) as a reason for slow absorption rates or slow progress toward development results. Local government capacity is essential...
A smart urban development strategy should include the structural transformation of well-located vacant, abandoned, or disused buildings and areas. This is in contrast to new development in green field...
City plans clearly don’t reflect realistic population projections, and most plans seem to encourage even greater sprawl and will require significant capital investments to service and connect outlying...
With Kinshasa facing infrastructure and social exclusion challenges, the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) partnered with the World Bank on the Kinshasa Multisector Development and...
Women entrepreneurs in Tajikistan confront disproportionate challenges in their businesses compared to their male counterparts, with cross-border traders being no exception. The World Bank initiated the...