FY24, spanning July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, marked the first year of implementation of the second DDP strategy cycle, DDP 2.0. The Partnership’s nascent portfolio consisted, as of June 30, 2024...
The World Bank’s Pacific Economic Update provides an assessment of the economies of 11 Pacific Island countries (PIC-11) in part 1 and highlights the potential of investment to broaden the economic horizons...
The World Bank’s Pacific Economic Update provides an assessment of the economies of 11 Pacific Island countries (PIC-11) in part 1 and highlights the potential of investment to broaden the economic horizons...
South Asia’s growth is on track to exceed earlier expectations, in a broad-based upturn. The region is expected to remain the fastest-growing among emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs). Several...
The COVID-19 pandemic presented countries with unprecedented challenges this year, spurring widespread shutdowns, school and business closures, and job losses. Countries are facing an unprecedented economic...
Reforms in the Lithuanian food and agriculture sector started rather early, parallel with the struggle for independence. The country initiated a transition program in the food and agriculture sector to...
In FY23, Digital Development Partnership (DDP) also continued to leverage the World Bank’s substantial convening power to collaborate with a wide range of partners. This included the drafting of the report...
Key findings: • Mangrove loss in Indonesia has been rapid and linked to market incentives, land tenure issues, regulations, and institutions. • Efforts to rehabilitate and protect mangroves have had mixed...
Land titling interventions often span several years. The impacts of an intervention that subdivides collective land titles and issues individual titles can vary across individuals and time. The vast majority...
Intimately linked to each other, and deeply intertwined with the world’s economies, cultures, health and environment, agriculture and food systems find themselves at the heart of the global call for transformative...
By early 2021, it became evident that the second wave of COVID-19 in India would adversely impact public health, economic growth, and food security. Even the countryside, mostly unscathed by the first...
Access to safe, affordable, and timely credit, insurance, savings and other financial services is a critical tool for poverty reduction and the welfare of the rural poor. Its pivotal role as a buffer against...
This note discusses agricultural competitiveness in India in recent years, while highlighting path-breaking innovations, interventions, and challenges on the road ahead. While India has evolved as a leader...
The World Bank’s South Asia region gender innovation lab is conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis of interventions with direct or indirect effects on measures of women’s economic empowerment...
This note presents a multisectoral examination of the national and provincial landscapes for ECD in Pakistan. It explains the critical importance of improving investments and services for young children...
Malnutrition is one of Pakistan’s biggest development challenges, with long-term implications for human capital development and economic growth. The proportions of young children stunted (40 percent)...
Pakistan faces a human capital crisis. Its population, three-quarters of which is under the age of 35, has very recent memories of failures in the schooling system and in health services. Federal and provincial...
The policy note builds on the relationship between human capital and labor market outcomes for the poor and reviews some of the few programs currently active for ad dressing the needs of the poor. It describes...
This note develops back-of-the-envelope estimates of what it would cost to provide all children with a life raft: schooling at a minimum quality level to achieve literacy and develops a framework of interventions...
This research paper focuses on building the social resilience of vulnerable communities to climate change in Solomon Islands. Grounded in extensive field work incorporating qualitative and quantitative...