This is the second in a series of three technical briefs produced by the World Bank’s Poverty and Equity Global Practice to share results of a multi-country data harmonization exercise concerning forcibly...
Forced displacement is a development challenge and disproportionately affects developing countries and their populations. This brief builds on a data harmonization exercise to describe elements that are...
This is the third in a series of three technical briefs produced by the World Bank’s Poverty and Equity Global Practice to share results of a multi-country data harmonization exercise concerning forcibly...
The development objective of the Disaster Risk Management Development Policy Credit in Dominica is to support the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica in: (a) strengthening the legal and institutional...
This Handbook for Literacy Lesson Planning is designed to be used as a resource for education stakeholders seeking to design evidence-aligned early grade literacy programs. It describes the different subskills...
Literacy is necessary for education, and education is the primary driver of human economic, social, physical, and civic well-being. Learning to read, in today’s world, should be a human right. Reduction...
Literacy is the cornerstone of education, and a driver of human economic, social, and civic wellbeing. Despite its importance, far too many children fail to become literate. The World Bank uses a measure...
Effective instruction depends on a good curriculum and the amount and quality of instruction. Effective literacy instruction depends upon three factors: (1) the amount of reading instruction and literacy...
Procurement of commonly used items is a challenge for government agencies. If the items are repeatedly purchased in one-off fashion, so that the total volume is significant, there may be potential problems...
In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), more than 80 percent of workers find their livelihoods in the informal sector. They are artisans and shop owners, fishers and divers, tailors and weavers, truck drivers and...
The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and resulting containment measures are likely to cause an economic contraction of about 2.8 percent in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) in 2020 according to the Global Economic...
The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic is first a public health crisis, but one with profound economic consequences for Africa. Successful measures to curtail the spread of the virus have led to a contraction...
Measures taken to curtail the spread of COVID-19 have led to a sharp contraction of the global economy and an even larger decline in trade, with significant implications on the livelihoods of people in...
The coronavirus (COVID-19) (coronavirus) pandemic has led to disruptions of both social and economic activities across the globe. While the early narrative described COVID-19 (coronavirus) as the "great...
This year’s edition of International Debt Statistics, successor to Global Development Finance and World Debt Tables, and the fourth in the series, is designed to respond to user demand for timely, comprehensive...
This report will assist decision makers and other stakeholders in Ulaanbaatar in deciding how to improve sanitation in the Ger areas, which are fast-growing, largely unplanned peri-urban settlements around...
This report will assist decision makers and other stakeholders in Ulaanbaatar in deciding how to improve sanitation in the Ger areas, which are fast-growing, largely unplanned peri-urban settlements around...
The Global Forum on Nutrition-Sensitive Social Protection Programs,co-hosted by Secure Nutrition and the Russian Federation Ministry of Finance,was held in Moscow, Russia on the 10th and 11th of September...
This brief includes the following headings: the challenge, the solution, and key learning.
This accompanying brief on social protection serves as a to the corresponding chapter in the full guidance note (report 75102). The provides operational guidance to maximize the impact of investments on...