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  • Fiscal and Distributional Implications of VAT Reforms in Zimbabwe (Английский)

    Improving domestic revenue mobilization extremely important for Zimbabwe to create the fiscal space to absorb quasi-fiscal expenditures and support macroeconomic stability. In November 2023, Zimbabwe announced...

    Типу документа: Рабочие документы Номер отчета: 197519 Дата подготовки документа: 25 февраля 2025 года Тип раскрытия информации: Disclosed Автор: Dhiraj Sharma,Tawanda Chingozha,Maya Scott Goldman,Indira Iyer,Victor Steenbergen

  • The Fiscal Costs of Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy Distortions in Zimbabwe (Английский)

    This paper uses a multi-methodological approach to measure the fiscal costs of monetary and exchange rate policy distortions in Zimbabwe. It identifies three channels through which these policy distortions...

    Типу документа: Рабочие документы Номер отчета: 197520 Дата подготовки документа: 25 февраля 2025 года Тип раскрытия информации: Disclosed Автор: Victor Steenbergen,Pindiriri, Carren,Psillos, Jimmy,Marko Kwaramba

  • Health insurance handbook : how to make it work (Английский)

    Many countries that subscribe to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have committed to ensuring access to basic health services for their citizens. Health insurance has been considered and promoted...

    Типу документа: Публикации Номер отчета: 66234 Дата подготовки документа: 18 января 2012 года Тип раскрытия информации: Disclosed Автор: Wang, Hong ,Switlick,Kimberly,Ortiz, Christine ,Zurita, Beatriz ,Lips,Catherine Connor

  • National oil companies and value creation (Vol. 1 of 3) (Английский)

    Approximately two billion dollars a day of petroleum are traded worldwide, which makes petroleum the largest single item in the balance of payments and exchanges between nations. Petroleum represents the...

    Типу документа: Публикации Номер отчета: 63437 Дата подготовки документа: 13 июля 2011 года Тип раскрытия информации: Disclosed Автор: Arfaa,Noora,Tordo,Silvana,Tracy,Brandon S.

  • Youth employment and skills development in the Gambia (Английский)

    Despite substantial improvements in access to basic education and steady economic growth, The Gambia still faces considerable challenges in respect to reducing poverty. As the result of its narrow economic...

    Типу документа: Публикации Номер отчета: 63845 Дата подготовки документа: 8 июля 2011 года Тип раскрытия информации: Disclosed Автор: Lahire,Nathalie,Johanson,Richard K.,Wilcox, Ryoko Tomita

  • Health, nutrition, and population in Madagascar 2000-09 (Английский)

    With an income per capita US$400 in 2008, Madagascar is one of the poorest countries in the world. Poverty is widespread but with significant urban-rural differences (52 percent versus 74 percent). Health...

    Типу документа: Публикации Номер отчета: 63255 Дата подготовки документа: 5 июля 2011 года Тип раскрытия информации: Disclosed Автор: Kruse,Ioana L.,Sharp,Maryanne

  • Private health sector assessment in Mali : the post-Bamako initiative reality (Английский)

    This country assessment of the private health sector in Mali is part of a series of studies designed to deepen understanding of ways to enhance the health policy framework, business environment, and investment...

    Типу документа: Публикации Номер отчета: 63254 Дата подготовки документа: 24 июня 2011 года Тип раскрытия информации: Disclosed Автор: Lamiaux, Mathieu,Rouzaud, Francois,Woods,Wendy

  • A decade of aid to the health sector in Somalia 2000-2009 (Английский)

    This study reviews: (1) how levels of donor financing of the health sector in Somalia varied over the decade 2000-09, (2) which health interventions were prioritized by donors, and (3) how evenly health...

    Типу документа: Публикации Номер отчета: 61898 Дата подготовки документа: 2 июня 2011 года Тип раскрытия информации: Disclosed Автор: Capobianco,Emanuele,Naidu, Veni

  • Private health sector assessment in Ghana (Английский)

    Most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa confront serious health challenges; however, Ghana has done beer than many of its neighbors. Ghana's life expectancy at birth is 60 years (versus 53 for all of Sub-Saharan...

    Типу документа: Публикации Номер отчета: 61312 Дата подготовки документа: 26 апреля 2011 года Тип раскрытия информации: Disclosed Автор: Makinen,William Martin,Sealy, Stephanie,Bitran Dicowsky,Ricardo A.,Adjei,Samuel,Munoz,Rodrigo

  • National oil companies and value creation (Vol. 3 of 3) (Английский)

    Approximately two billion dollars a day of petroleum are traded worldwide, which makes petroleum the largest single item in the balance of payments and exchanges between nations. Petroleum represents the...

    Типу документа: Публикации Номер отчета: 63437 Дата подготовки документа: 1 марта 2011 года Тип раскрытия информации: Disclosed Автор: Arfaa,Noora,Tordo,Silvana,Tracy,Brandon S.

  • National oil companies and value creation (Vol. 2 of 3) (Английский)

    Approximately two billion dollars a day of petroleum are traded worldwide, which makes petroleum the largest single item in the balance of payments and exchanges between nations. Petroleum represents the...

    Типу документа: Публикации Номер отчета: 63437 Дата подготовки документа: 1 марта 2011 года Тип раскрытия информации: Disclosed Автор: Arfaa,Noora,Tordo,Silvana,Tracy,Brandon S.

  • Nonprofit organizations and the combatting of terrorism financing : a proportionate response (Английский)

    One of the ways that terrorist organizations raise and transfer funds is by using the fundraising power, and the aura of charitable activity, of nonprofit organizations (NPOs). This article argues that...

    Типу документа: Публикации Номер отчета: 57879 Дата подготовки документа: 10 ноября 2010 года Тип раскрытия информации: Disclosed Автор: Van Der Does De Willebois,Emile Johannes Marie

  • Budgeting for effectiveness in Rwanda : from reconstruction to reform (Английский)

    The overall objective of this comprehensive report is to consider Rwanda's budget support in the context of its overall public expenditure and resources to: (a) provide an overview of Rwanda's experience...

    Типу документа: Публикации Номер отчета: 57880 Дата подготовки документа: 10 октября 2010 года Тип раскрытия информации: Disclosed Автор: Sayinzoga,Kampeta,Soucat,Agnes L. B.,Kjellgren,Annika,Musafiri, Prosper

  • A financing facility for low-carbon development (Английский)

    The reality of climate change associated with anthropogenic emissions is now widely acknowledged by the scientific community. Its potential devastating future harms are equally well perceived and as stated...

    Типу документа: Публикации Номер отчета: 57874 Дата подготовки документа: 21 сентября 2010 года Тип раскрытия информации: Disclosed Автор: Gouvello, Christophede,Zelenko,Ivan,Ambrosi,Philippe