The note focuses on the global effects of land degradation, but emphasizes other important levels of land degradation: at the field level, it may result in reduced productivity; at the national level...
This report, in two volumes, addresses environmental impacts stemming from economy-wide policy reforms, and seeks to clarify the nature of the economic, physical, institutional, and cultural aspects of...
This report, in two volumes, addresses environmental impacts stemming from economy-wide policy reforms, and seeks to clarify the nature of the economic, physical, institutional, and cultural aspects of...
This study looks at the role of agriculture in the decline of biodiversity. It first looks at the conflicts and complementaries between agriculture and biodiversity, touching on global trends, interactions...
This volume, "Global climate change: economic and policy issues," contains three papers dealing with key issues and options relating to the economic and policy aspects of global warming. The authors of...
Developing countries are facing major challenges to their rural land use, including deforestation, increasing scarcity of tree products, and environmental degradation on fragile agricultural lands. One...
This report illuminates the special characteristics of the overall political-economic context confronting governments on the Amazon frontier as the current pattern of development often results in violent...
The loss of large areas of tropical forests has become a major concern of the world community. Although there are many causes of tropical deforestation and forest degradation, an important cause appears...
Although economywide policies are not directed explicitly towards influencing the quality of the natural environment, they may, affect it for good or bad. Such policies include: altering exchange or interest...
Like other Central European countries, Poland faces the twin challenges of improving environmental quality while also promoting economic development. This study examines the cost of achieving alternative...
This paper relies on empirical material drawn from anthropology, demography, economics, and the environmental sciences for identifying possible links between rural poverty, fertility behavior, and the...
This case study of Sri Lanka seeks to demonstrate how environmental concerns can be incorporated into the planning stage of power sector development. The techniques and procedures are designed to complement...
The work presented in this report was motivated by an interest in understanding the extent of soil degradation in Central America and the Caribbean, in knowing how farmers are in general responding to...
An issue which has generated much concern has been the potential link between low incomes and resource degradation. This report presents the results of a study which investigated this question. Machakos...
This survey describes the factors that affect tree cultivation and clearance by Kenyan farmers. These factors include agricultural conditions, product markets, the family life cycle, income, and changing...
Environment and development are no longer considered mutually exclusive by governments and developmental agencies. It is now recognized that a healthy environment is essential to sustainable growth. This...
The decade of the 1980s has witnessed a fundamental change in the way governments and development agencies think about environment and development. The two are no longer regarded as mutually exclusive...
The fundamental change in thinking over the past decade, which has brought the whole environmental aspect of development to the fore, has resulted from an increasing recognition of the interdependence...