The last two decades have witnessed an extraordinary spate of literature on large-scale subnational conflicts. Scholars have for the most part concentrated on why violent conflicts begin. As a consequence...
Local benefit sharing in hydropower projects can be defined as the systematic efforts by project proponents to sustainably benefit local communities affected by hydropower investments. Benefit sharing...
This study on Bangladesh was undertaken to analyze the gender dimensions of climate change and the role of institutions in reducing gender gaps. The study was carried out in 20 sites covering 600 households...
Water, as a resource, is integral to human activities of all kinds. The water sector, as a society's means of ensuring individuals have sufficient water is fundamental to recovery and development. While...
Conflict's path of devastation and chaos has dramatically slowed the ability of wartorn countries to reach the Education for All (EFA) goals adopted in Dakar in April 2000. This paper sketches the situation...
This paper documents significant differences in the impacts the war in Aceh had on ex-combatants and civilians and how these differences shaped the post-war decision-making processes of their households...
The Development Marketplace 2009 focused on adaptation to climate change. This paper identifies lessons from the Marketplace and assesses their implications for adaptation support. The findings are based...
This paper draws on data from the 2006 governance and decentralization survey. It has three main objectives: to understand (a) national patterns of conflict and dispute resolution; (b) use of police services...
The primary objective of BRA-KDP (Community-based Reintegration Assistance-Kecamatan Development Program) was to improve the living conditions of conflict-affected communities and conflict victims by delivering...
This paper describes the impact of Aceh's Community-Based Assistance for Reintegration of Conflict Victims program (BRA-KDP). The program, implemented between August 2006 and August 2007, sought to address...
The Community based Reintegration Assistance for Conflict Victims (or BRA-KDP) channeled over US$ 20 million to 1,724 conflict affected villages across 67 sub districts in 17 districts from August 2006...
Violent conflict in Indonesia is in need of serious theoretical and policy attention. A new belief that conflict has de-escalated in Indonesia has crept into popular and policy circles. However, it is...
This paper analyzes Aceh's post-conflict direct local executive elections or pilkada. Elections for the Governor and 19 heads of district (kabupaten and kotamadya) were held in December 2006 and early...
This paper draws on a qualitative panel study of village politics in ten rural localities in Andhra Pradesh in order to examine the changes in configurations of local elites across two local elections...
This paper explores how communities select their Community-Driven Development (CDD) proposals and how CDD resources are allocated across villages. In particular, the author assess whether resources reach...
This study provides an overview of how World Bank-financed policy-based loans (both structural adjustment loans and Development Policy Lending's) (DPLs) have supported social accountability approaches...
This study provides an overview of how World Bank-financed policy-based loans (both structural adjustment loans and Development Policy Lending's) (DPLs) have supported social accountability approaches...
This study builds on research that has been conducted by civil society organizations (CSOs) and donor agencies in Ecuador on the growth and activities of CSOs, recognizing the important role they have...
This paper is part of a research project analyzing the participation of stakeholders beyond the drafting process of Poverty Reduction Strategies (PRS), i.e. in implementation, monitoring and revision...
This paper is the first province-wide attempt to look at the ways in which communities receive and seek information. It is designed to be a practical guide to information flows in Aceh, a tool for those...