This paper covers changes in social structure, changes pertaining to diversity of developing societies, political changes, and changes related to the integration or solidarity of societies. The author...
In Africa as well as worldwide, population settlement and resettlement processes are linked to the core of today's development agenda. This paper discusses several common characteristics and issues of...
This report analyzes the use of the social assessment (SA) in three areas of the world and looked at key social and participation issues which are relevant across regions. The three cases are the India...
Why is the construction of hydropower dams, which generate energy that is renewable and cleaner than oil, coal, or nuclear power, increasingly attacked in the press and assaulted by many critics? The answer...
In 1995 a committee of representatives from governmental and nongovernmental agencies and the World Bank undertook an analysis of local-level institutions, including community-based organizations (CBOs)...
Designers of the India Ecodevelopment Project found the social assessment (SA) to be a good starting place for stakeholders and nongovernmental organization (NGO) participation in project participation...
The World Bank supports development that improves human welfare and reduces poverty. Achieving this goal requires sustainable economic growth; the development of physical infrastructure, human resources...
A foundation stone of the World Bank's sharpened poverty strategy is to conduct Country Poverty Assessments in all borrowing countries within the next two years. These assessments have the following principal...
Beneficiary assessment is a tool for managers who wish to improve the quality of development operations. This is an approach to information gathering which assesses the value of an activity as it is perceived...
The characteristics of indigenous groups make participatory approaches especially critical to safeguarding their interests in the development process. Such approaches, recognizing the right of indigenous...
The city of Baku is facing a water supply crisis. Water quality is poor, system losses are high, and cost recovery for the water supply service is grossly inadequate. Although almost 100 percent of the...