Before the COVID-19 pandemic, learning poverty, defined as the share of children younger than 10 years of age who have not achieved minimum reading proficiency, as adjusted by the proportion of children...
This evaluation assesses how well the World Bank is supporting a blue economy approach to achieve sustainable and inclusive development of ocean and coastal states. A livable planet requires well-managed...
The private sector has a critical role to play in addressing climate change by investing in low-carbon technologies, developing new technologies, and building climate resilience into its investments and...
This evaluation explores how and with what effect the World Bank Group has supported financial inclusion for the microenterprises, poor households, women, and other excluded groups. Financial inclusion...
Conflict and fragility increase the exposure of women and girls to gender-based violence (GBV) and make it more difficult for them to access social services, including sexual and reproductive health services...
Domestic revenue mobilization (DRM) has become an increasingly important part of international and country-level policy agendas. Since the 2015 International Conference on Financing for Development in...
This evaluation, requested by the Committee on Development Effectiveness of the Executive Board of the International Development Association (IDA), is intended to provide input and insight into the upcoming...
Additionality is a core feature of private sector development finance institutions (DFIs). It is the unique contribution that a DFI or a multilateral/ bilateral bank brings to a private investment project...
Improving energy efficiency—using less energy to do the same amount of work—has both supply-side and demand-side aspects. Improvements in energy efficiency are reductions in the energy required to maintain...
In the face of the global economic crisis caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the World Bank delivered the largest crisis response in its history. This evaluation assesses the Bank Group’s early...
This evaluation assesses the quality of the World Bank’s early response to the COVID-19 crisis and the initial steps toward recovery, focusing on the health and social response. It concentrates on the...
The purpose of the evaluation is to assess how relevant and effective the World Bank Group has been in its support for agrifood system development (AFSD) —that is, in developing more productive, inclusive...
Disasters caused by natural hazards are increasingly threatening the lives and livelihoods of the world’s poor and disaster-vulnerable populations. Climate change is further exacerbating the negative impacts...
The World Bank Group estimates that, by 2030, up to two-thirds of the world’s extreme poor will live in countries characterized by fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV). The Bank’s FCV strategy emphasizes...
The impact of municipal solid waste has surpassed local and regional boundaries and has become a global challenge, with mounting public health, environmental, social, and economic costs. In this context...
Globally, conflict is becoming more complex and intense. The World Bank’s contributions to reducing poverty and boosting shared prosperity increasingly rely on its ability to engage effectively in situations...
More than a decade has passed since the global economic and financial crisis rocked the world. A clear lesson that emerged from it was the importance of identifying and addressing country-specific vulnerabilities...
Population aging—resulting from falling fertility rates, declining mortality, and increased longevity—shapes the profile and the needs of a growing number of countries.
Cities will be home to 2 billion new residents by 2045, and the pressure to develop land in and around cities is growing. This will pose a great challenge to lower‐income cities since they tend to grow...