With Kinshasa facing infrastructure and social exclusion challenges, the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) partnered with the World Bank on the Kinshasa Multisector Development and...
Women entrepreneurs in Tajikistan confront disproportionate challenges in their businesses compared to their male counterparts, with cross-border traders being no exception. The World Bank initiated the...
The World Bank’s Road Maintenance Group project in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic offered road maintenance jobs to women in remote villages, targeting the poorest households. The project had three...
Today, infrastructure plays a central role in addressing new development challenges. These include meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adapting to and mitigating the impacts of climate change...
カンボジア政府は、国民の水へのアクセス改善に向け、民間セクターとの連携を行なっています。質の高いインフラ投資(QII)パートナーシップのもと、カンボジアでは水の供給や衛生分野のインフラに対する民間セクターの参加を誘致するとともに、当該セクターに関連する環境や社会課題に対し、自然を基盤とした解決策(Nature-based Solutions:NbS)を活用することに取り組んでいます。
Yemen’s urban infrastructure is highly vulnerable to floods and other climate shocks. The World Bank is helping the country restore critical urban infrastructure and services resilient to climate challenges...