This note is part of the April 2024 release of the latest country-level Learning Poverty estimates. The document details country-level changes to the underlying data used to produce the April 2024 Learning...
Learning Poverty is unacceptably high. In low- and middle-income countries, more than half the children cannot read and understand a short age-appropriate text by the end of primary school. This learning...
The poverty rate in Uruguay - at 6.4 percent in 2022 under the $6.85 (2017 PPP) per day international line - is low compared to the region. However, poverty reduction has stalled in recent years. Despite...
The latest household income and expenditure survey (HIES) used to estimate poverty in Samoa was conducted in 2018. A new 2023 HIES dataset has been collected, but poverty estimates are not yet available...
Poverty is on a declining trend in Georgia, buoyed by recent robust economic growth and labor market improvements. Between 2016 and 2022, the poverty rate, measured by the international poverty line (below...
The stagnation of poverty incidence (and the rise in inequality) occurred despite moderate economic growth, which averaged 3.5 percent over the past decade. This is partly due to barriers in the labor...
According to the fourth Nepal Living Standards Survey (NLSS-IV) (2022-23), Nepal has continued to experience a substantial reduction in poverty over the last decade. Living standards have improved across...
Although notable progress has been made in reducing poverty since 1994, poverty reduction came to a halt in 2011. The latest survey conducted in 2014-2015 shows that 55.5 percent of the population was...
Strong economic growth, improvements in labor incomes and in educational attainment, and the expansion of social protection programs helped significantly reduce Namibia’s poverty rate between 2003-04 and...
The national poverty rate was last reported for Yemen in 2014 and was estimated to be 48.6 percent of the population, which represents an increase of 13.4 percentage points over the poverty rate reported...
Nicaragua enjoyed steady gross domestic product (GDP) growth at 4 percent on average between 2000 and 2018. The economy is expected to slow in 2024 and stabilize in the medium term. Growth prospects are...
Grenada outperformed its eastern Caribbean peers in economic terms before the COVID-19 pandemic, achieving an annualized gross domestic product (GDP) per capita growth rate of 4.4 percent between 2013...
In 2024, increasing labor incomes and decreasing inflationary pressure are expected to support a decline of the extreme poverty rate to 15.5 percent. The labor market remains the main source of income...
Ghana experienced considerable poverty reduction up until the COVID-19 pandemic. Between 2005 and 2012, the share of people below the national poverty line fell from 32 to 24 percent. The poor are expected...
Gabon distinguishes itself in Sub-Saharan Africa with its relatively high income per capita, abundant natural resources, and a significant urban population - 89 percent residing in urban areas. Economic...
Guinea-Bissau’s socio-economic landscape is marked by persistent challenges in poverty reduction, economic development, and social advancement. The agriculture sector, particularly the production of raw...
Based on the most recent official household survey data from Nigeria’s National Bureau of Statistics, 30.9 percent of Nigerians lived below the international extreme poverty line of $2.15 per person per...
In Tunisia, official poverty rates are derived from consumption patterns as reported in the 2021 National Survey on the Budget, Consumption, and Standard of Living of Households (EBCNV) including detailed...
A tighter labor market is expected to increase wages. While outmigration raises concerns about potential human capital losses, it may also encourage better utilization of domestic human capital. Addressing...
Poverty and inequality levels in Zambia are among the highest in the world. In 2022, 64.3 percent of the population - about 12.9 million individuals - was living on less than $2.15 a day, while the Gini...