The Service Improvement Action Plan (SIAP) is a performance management tool developed to help local governments, especially those in developing or transition economies, improve their services. It has been...
Education management information systems (EMISs), usually located within the ministry of education, are tools that can help governments improve education system administration by providing information...
In 2003, the Korean government introduced a broad package of public financial management reforms, which succeeded in integrating performance management into the budget process. The experience of performance...
Despite significant progress, gender inequalities persist in all countries. These inequalities both negate fundamental human rights and present serious barriers to the achievement of national development...
Over the last 15 years, there has been a growing effort globally to promote fiscal transparency, reflecting both that the public has a right to information, and that transparency contributes to more equitable...
Over the last two decades, several developing countries have adopted right to information (RTI) laws, bringing the number of countries with such laws to more than 90. But empirical evidence on how effectively...
In January 2013, the International Budget Partnership (IBP) released the latest Open Budget Survey (OBS) with a new section on public participation. The survey results are not encouraging. For the 100...
This note disseminates key lessons learned from the World Bank financed project in the Republic of Yemen, monitoring and evaluation of the poverty reduction strategy paper and reform programs, which established...
Who shapes tax policy reform in developing countries? A wider range of political actors are beginning to exercise influence. A brief history in this report will explain who they are and how they operate.
Myriad challenges, but also opportunities, surround public financial management (PFM) reforms in postconflict environments. This note provides recommendations that focus on the special characteristics...
Since 2000, there has been growing interest in reforming Indonesia’s budgeting systems to promote a more performance-orientated process. Indonesia is in the initial stages of this reform. A major challenge...
South Africa has a number of actors with legal or constitutional mandates for monitoring and evaluation (M&E). There has been a major shift in emphasis concerning M&E since 2009, partially stimulated by...
Amidst all the hoopla about China's rise, it is useful to remember that China is a developing country whose transition to a market economy is not yet complete, with institution building still underway...
The United States, at the national level of government, has been trying to identify stronger links between performance and funding for at least 50 years. The most recent two presidents had fundamentally...
The exhaustibility and volatility of natural resource revenues pose well-known economic challenges, of which those facing oil producers are the most prominent. If oil revenues represent an important share...
In 2003, Minas Gerais's state government (GMG) launched an ambitious plan that gradually introduced a results focus into the public administration and led to the creation of a Results-Based Management...
A diagnosis of a country's monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities is indispensable if that country is to develop projects or policy proposals to improve the impact of M&E. This note provides a guide...
Fifteen years ago, Mexico, like most countries, had conducted a few scattered evaluations, but had not implemented systematic performance measurement. Political changes in the late 1990s generated an increased...
This note broadly discusses how operational staff of a ministry or a development agency can work more effectively on what has become to be known as the results agenda. Focusing on the operational perspective...
This note starts from the premise that policy makers invariably make mistakes, both intentional and unintentional. That requires shifting the focus from one-time choice of winners (sectors, industries...