In 2003, the Afghanistan National Solidarity Project (NSP) was created to improve the lives of the rural poor through post-conflict, community-driven reconstruction. NSP operated through community development...
One job per poor rural family. This is the goal of the Employment Generation & Marketing Mission (EGMM), which was established in 2005 by the Andhra Pradesh Rural Poverty Reduction Program (APRPRP). Andhra...
Despite the government's best efforts, forests in India diminished for decades due to illegal harvesting, uncontrolled cutting of minor (or non-timber) forest products by the poor, excessive grazing, and...
Unlike income generated from crop production, which is seasonal in Rajasthan, dairying is a source of a stable income bringing in cash on a daily basis and providing livelihoods security. This gives small...
The state of Madhya Pradesh is one of India's leading agricultural states where the contribution of agriculture to the state gross domestic product is 26.9 percent (Yr 2001-02), while the total working...
The Village Savings and Credit Organization (VSCO) is a community-managed microfinance organization developed in Sri Lanka under the Community Development and Livelihood Improvement Project, or Gemi Diriya...
The Karnataka Watershed Development Project (KWDP), known locally as Sujala, was initiated in the year 2001 and is being implemented in seven districts of Karnataka. The project is scheduled to end on...
Small and marginal farmers in rural Andhra Pradesh have been subject to intensive exploitation by moneylenders, traders, and middlemen. Lack of access to the market, lack of power to negotiate prices due...
Rice is a staple food for people in Andhra Pradesh, who buy most of it (70 percent) on the open market and get the balance (30 percent) from the Public Distribution System (PDS). Statistics show that the...
Experience in livelihoods programs in South Asia is generating lessons learned about this people sector and how to protect and develop the capacity of the poor to reach out to markets and services, whoever...