A central question we will address is: how do evaluation approaches under cost and time constraints affect the validity of the evaluation design and the conclusions derived from the analysis? What are...
IEG’s evaluation on pollution and the World Bank Group commissioned a review of theempirical literature on pollution co-benefits from climate change mitigationinterventions, emphasizing air pollution benefits...
The Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) has established three Strategic Engagement Areas (SEAs) around which it has organized its work program. One of those SEAs is Sustained Service Delivery for the Poor...
A government’s capacity to manage its public finances is central to its ability to deliver services. Well-functioning accounting and financial management systems are among the basics that facilitate this...
The Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) has established three Strategic Engagement Areas (SEAs) around which it has organized its work program. One of those SEAs is Sustained Service Delivery for the Poor...
This paper offers a critical survey of the microfinance literature of the past 10 years. It reviews studies on the effectiveness of different microfinance techniques and offers a critical assessment of...
In an effort to bridge the evidence gap, the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) prepared a systematic review that gathers and analyzes the available impact evaluation evidence in developing countries from...
The purpose of the paper is to present a more granular view of such projects through the in-depth focus on a limited number of case studies, with a view to understanding what factors in the design of such...
The World Bank supported the community nutrition project (CNP) in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR) from 2009 to 2013, ostensibly to respond to the global food crisis of 2007-08. The evaluation...
Governmental learning has a multidisciplinary research tradition and a plethora of literature exists on organizational as well as policy learning. Different concepts for structured learning from evaluation...
Peru's major environmental challenges arise from air and water pollution, unsustainable management of natural resources, and vulnerability to natural disasters. A 2005 Bank study, estimated the cost of...
The purpose of this study is to document the approaches of the World Bank and the Global Fund to monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and to systematically and objectively compare the principles and objectives...
This case study summarizes the findings of desk reviews and a field visit carried out in January 2011 as part of IEG's evaluation of the 2007 Governance and Anticorruption (GAC) strategy. The case study...
Moldova has suffered over the last two decades from rising poverty, territorial secession, armed conflict, and the spillover effects of a regional financial crisis, with declining population size and life...
Cambodia is one of the world's most open economies, sustaining high levels of growth in an environment of relatively weak governance. Emerging from a legacy of genocide and civil conflict, the country...
Bangladesh is one of the world's poorest and most densely populated countries, and subject to annual cyclones and flooding. Despite these challenges, it benefits from strong economic growth, good performance...
This working paper presents the findings and conclusions of a review of the resourcing approach and related actions to implement the World Bank's 2007 Governance and Anticorruption (GAC) strategy. The...
Azerbaijan is a secular, majority-Shiite, oil and gas-rich country whose per-capita income quadrupled in real terms during the period 2004-10. While rising incomes have reduced poverty, steps towards a...
The focus of this paper is on the institutions outside the executive branch that include supreme audit institutions, legislative oversight bodies (such as parliamentary public accounts and budget committees...
The objective of this study is to evaluate the World Bank Group's (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD], International Development Association [IDA], and International Finance Corporation...