This document aims to provide a concise collection of those good practices and challenges that have recently been identified by evaluative work on natural disaster response of the World Bank, the Independent...
This paper focuses on evaluations with findings that challenge important assumptions of the development field. Its objective is to pinpoint the areas to watch for in operations or policies that are decisive...
The financial and food crises are reminders of the growing challenges countries face in sustaining economic growth and lifting the living standards of the poor. Equally, the emerging impacts of global...
This document aims to provide a concise collection of those good practices and challenges that have recently been identified by evaluative work on natural disaster response of the World Bank, the Independent...
Biodiversity is critical to maintaining the integrity of ecosystems and the ecological processes that support species and human well-being. The world is facing an unprecedented rate of species extinction:...
In a recent report on middle-income countries, the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) found that countries and the World Bank Group have been relatively effective in the overarching priority of promoting...
As Haiti faces the daunting task of recovery after the devastating earthquake, past experiences provide some lessons. Factors making a crucial difference to the effectiveness of actions include the nature...
This brief is intended to bring together in one place, for the attention of management and the Board, the evaluation evidence on World Bank Group (WBG) cooperation. It uses the evidence developed in past...
The Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) has undertaken an evaluation of the World Bank Group's (WBG) response to the current economic crisis, focusing on developments since mid-2008. The purpose of the...
This study assesses the impact of tropical protected areas on deforestation fires, which are the best available globally consistent proxy for deforestation at a fine spatial scale. The paper covers the...
A worldwide financial crisis of enormous magnitude continues to unfold rapidly. Unlike other crises in recent decades, the current episode is rooted in industrial countries' financial systems and is affecting...
This paper explores the links among natural disasters, climate change, and economic development. It attempts to outline a framework for thinking about these links. The paper summarizes the limited knowledge...
Infrastructure plays a crucial role in the drive for achieving development by providing energy, transportation, and water. There have been ups and downs in the degree of emphasis placed on infrastructure...
This paper serves as a bridge between the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) report hazards of nature, risks to development (2006) and two upcoming IEG evaluation reports, on the environment and on climate...
Experience shows that countrywide reforms can accelerate development. Furthermore, progress in one area positively influences other areas. For example, improved health contributes to better learning outcomes...
The Bank has made significant efforts since the mid-1990s to highlight the harmful effect of corruption on development and has developed a number of mechanisms to help countries improve governance and...